Well, after about 4 years (the last time I tried this climb, unsuccessfully) I finally made it yesterday. It was a sweet climb, I wish so bad it was on camera.
These are pics (of the line)from a few years ago, when I climbed it yesterday there was about a foot of fresh and all the rocks where covered.
As Usual, pics don't quite do it justice, once I got up to the first right turn it got incredible steep...even steeper than what I thougth until I got up there.
The red line is going up...the yellow line, unfortuneately coming down, I wasn't as successful, sled must have rolled about 40 times or so, there really was no safe way down. I WON"T do it again just because of that.
Fortuneately, only broke my choke off, lost a key, and broke my tach.
It was a rush for sure!!!! LOL Just wish coming down was better!!! lol

These are pics (of the line)from a few years ago, when I climbed it yesterday there was about a foot of fresh and all the rocks where covered.
As Usual, pics don't quite do it justice, once I got up to the first right turn it got incredible steep...even steeper than what I thougth until I got up there.
The red line is going up...the yellow line, unfortuneately coming down, I wasn't as successful, sled must have rolled about 40 times or so, there really was no safe way down. I WON"T do it again just because of that.
Fortuneately, only broke my choke off, lost a key, and broke my tach.
It was a rush for sure!!!! LOL Just wish coming down was better!!! lol