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Mt St Helens Poll - Please Vote

Just voted,
It's now 127 to 48 against us.
Maybe this thread should be in the general section where people will actually look at it.
I just seems that most 4m members don't make it into the land use are here.
I guess "it won't happen in their areas".... [frusterating]
same same

we had exactly the same poll last year, after it got rolling we won. i suggest moving it to washington riding areas. Hey darin, you're right, if you ride you should be checkin' out land use. and help to keep our areas open, we are losing lots of area with the new bills being passed. we need to voice our opinions or lose. people wake up and join s.a.w.s. and blue ribbon, help keep our areas open to use.
I voted, thanks for posting this. Even though I don't care if I ever go back there again (had a REALLY bad experience there when we went) I'd hate to see it shut down to those that like to ride there for some strange reason.
72% for national park status
28% for staying the same
the 72% comes from the Friends Of the Gifford Pinchot. They showed up at one of the Advisory Commitee meetings with a petition calling for all roads in the area to be abandoned. It got a laugh from the room when it was revealed their petition had only 150 signatures that were gathered in downtown Portland OR

Also note this poll is on the Oregonian website
Oh maybe just a tad. Where did you ride at St helens? Marble Mtn is usually crowded and the trails get battered fast. There are lots of other areas there that aren't as well known
Threw in a few more for NF.

Unfortuantely that poll isn't going to do a whole lot to sway the decision one w ay or another.

Make your voice heard where it counts...
it'll at least be better than if it's overwhelmingly in favor of the Park Circus, I mean Service. Three of the members are in favor of a new snopark on the West side. The Advisory Committee members include people from around the mountain Toutle, Cougar, Trout Lake included. Their recommendation will have an effect on their lives as well.
Just voted. Plan on riding there in a few weeks. When the weather is good, I guess it's the best terrain for hill climbing in the area. I'd hate to see it get locked up.
The committee advised against Nat park. It wants The forest service to keep St helens budget separate. They believe St Helens funding gets cut to shore up increased fire fighting cost the past couple years. Thanks to all that voted.
St Helens

56 to 44 we are gaining! Get the word out. We will win!
Advisory Committee is going to have two more meetings for public comment,one in Kelso and the other in Camas Or Washougal. I'll get times and places and post them. Also going to be an online form for comments.
Just voted. Please keep us informed on those meetings and developments. If they close St. Helens my 4 sleds are going up for sale. It's too damn far to drive for as good of riding! My .02.

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