Well to drill new rivet holes I had to tear off all the sticky vents, mtn fit said he'd ship me some new ones for all my trouble. So that's good.
Well now I figure that the white pieces are to broaden the edge so you can get a rivet in? There still isn't alot holding those pieces on. On the front, You can get a good rivet in the top and bottom. However the middle ends up with a gap so you need 1/8" rivets to pull that in.
I didn't use the white pieces on the top cause there is enough meat allready.
As everything was pinned in place on the sled, I noticed the top of the air box wasnt tight. So I had to loosen the bottom bolt and I could reach inside and push the box into the throttle bodies while I drilled the holes through the white piece. It was hard being I had allready cut the vent holes out.
A guy could cut the nose holes out and push from there then that would determine how many holes you need on the sides for your vents.
With everything pushed up I also could reach in the side to drill a hole in the top rear through that triangular window.
Pulled it all back off again and trimmed the white pieces down around the new rivet holes for more flow. Got the glue back out and bolted it back up.
Went to riveting but the holes didn't line up now so I had to cheat them a bit. Then some of the wide head rivets wouldn't fit so I had to trim them down.
Got all the front in and the one in the rear then pulled it back off again, took the wings off and drilled the two more holes I needed in the box and riveted them.
Now it's back on and drying in the heat.
After all that, I forgot to line up the side panels and the wings, looks crappy but the air box fits and that's all that really matters.