Why do people think we (people as a whole) are the centre of the universe???? That we are the cause and the solution to everything???? And that we think we always have the solution????
Do you think these people know, that every living thing on this earth right now constitutes less then 1% of every thing that has ever lived here? That's right, over 99% of every plant or animal that has ever stood ground on this earth has become extinct. Just as humans will work thier way into oblivion, so will everything we know. And guess what, it wasn't humans that did in the 99% because it happened, for the most part, before we ever were here in any reasonable capacity. And then new plants and animals will take the place of the old, things better suited and adapting to this consantly changing planet.
Dont get me wrong, I love animals, and I do try to help them where I can. Just ask my wife who is very much on the environmental side of the spectrum (we have some interesting conversations). And I do help out alot, my guess would be way more than the average. But does no one else out there think that maybe there is something way bigger than we are which is in control? Like nature itself, which does a pretty good job of regulating itself, adapting, changing, building and tearing down, millenia after millenia? Maybe there is a bigger reason, that we cant stop or derail in any way, why this portion caribou are appearing to be on thier way out. Bigger than closing this to sledders or even closing the area to everything, because guess what,,,, we have them surrounded, people everywhere, roads everywhere, crap,, some guy who voted yes probably scared more caribou this moring when he was steaming his milk this morning for his latte quadruple half caf espresso.
Sorry for the long rant but this is just the tip of the iceberg for what I have pent up inside of me to say..... I already have to drive hours to sled, and my dirtbiking is beginning to look the same because so many of those areas are getting closed as well to us. We cant even save ourselves, how the **** do we think we can change something we have no control over??? I'm not necessarily saying everything is a lost cause, but there is only so much compromise that should be acceptable for the whole,,,,, because I've learned from experience (wrt dirtbiking areas) that they nibble piece by piece until there is nothing left. And such ends the compromise as it is all gone to give.
I voted no even though I know it falls on deaf ears as in this case its only a friggen poll in a paper.
maybe I should tell you how I really feel