So what are you suggesting? That cities run lawless? That if you feel you have been wronged or have a cause you can destroy, smash, topple, paint with graffiti and close streets and highways..... take over buildings , businesses and peoples homes because they have something you don’t. Let’s not forget intimidatIon closure and threats.
Come to Portland and check it out for yourself. Drugs,garbage homelessness the smell of piss and human feces is everywhere. You don’t want to go there even in the middle of the day. Mentally ill people line and wander the streets yelling, jestering and spitting on you. They crap on the sidewalk. My kids asked last time we were downtown “why don’t people pick up after their dogs” I told them it wasn’t dogs pooping everywhere. “That can’t be true where’s the toilet paper?” Sounds like a nice place to take your family to dinner or shopping doesn’t it?
Want to watch a sobering but truthful video look up “Seattle is Dying” on YouTube. Portland is the same. Ted Wheeler the Mayor is a disaster. Don’t believe the narrative you see on tv or read. Come ask the working people of Portland. They are fed up with what’s happening to the once beautiful city.