Good Discussion ... and good point Blitz about
Not being connected... simple to see.... but germain to the topic of this thread and the conversation and not related to your comment.
Bad cops aren't only what you see in old gangster movies....
And like Rhodes said.... Bad cops that fear the good cops is ONE of the paths to healing this country.
A mechanic that intentionally rips you off is a "BAD" mechainc.... someone that says they changed your oil and filter but simply wiped it off with a rag and billed you for it... malicious, bad-mechanic.
A mechanic that because of lack of experience or being tired of his job does not properly torque the head of your D-Max or P-Stroke on correctly after replacing the gasket causes your engine to overheat and ruin the engine.... "Bad" mechainc.... inexperienced or not properly trained mechanic... but not malicious.... still "bad"
One mechanic is malicious one mechanic is inexperienced or ill-trained.... both are "Bad" mechanics.
Even though most mechanics... ones at dealers and ones at independent shops are "good mechanics"
The same with our Law enforcement... Local, State and Fed.
Some are 'Bad" because they are malicious.... taking graft or selling drugs or just being thugs with a badge.
Some are 'Bad' because they shoot and kill someone because they are inexperienced in situations or untrained and end up taking a life where they could have done differently. Like the President of the Oath-Keepers said.... Chauvin murdered Floyd... and that was the "match" that lit a destructive situation.... Chauvin, and his training/experience/callousness caused MUCH more damage to our country than killing Floyd.
There is a reason that the ATL Police officer was Charged... there was evidence to do so under governance of the LAWS of the state.
I have many friends, for many years, and family members that are police officers... some are 'good' cops as Rhodes would say... and some are bad.
As a child growing up in the suburbs of Detroit... I saw acts of courage, kindness and 'Service' from our local Police and State Troopers... I also saw racism and thuggery, first hand, from Officers.
I watched as a child in the 70's.... a man who disarmed a hand-shaking Police officer who pointed a gun at his head.... Subdued the officer and handcuffed the officer on the ground.... locked the officers gun and belt in the officers squad car. A local minister wached what happened... called what I recall to be the officers Mother (crazy times right).... and diffused the situation without even a report being filed. That same officer then transferred to parking enforcemnt a week later. The officer was in the wrong.... and the man narrowly escaped with his life because he was physically capabale of defending himself... and the officer was alone. Lucky... but still a 'bad' cop. My parents told me that night to never talk to ANYONE about the incident... for fear that something would happen to our family. That was back when your parent's only told you to be back for dinner 'or else' .
Dylann Roof goes into a church and shoots 9 people cold-dead.... is followed by police who calmly arrest him without shooting him... a boy/man that they KNEW was armed and LETHAL....
Well trained officers that should be commended... even though they could have easily justified coming in, guns blazing, and shot that boy dead on the spot.
That is my answer....
I support the Officers of our nation while at the same time, in agreement with rational people like Trey Gowdy, and Steven Rhodes.... condemn those that cannot do their DIFFICULT job without killing someone for passing a fake $20 or falling asleep in the drive-thru of a Wendys.
Scared officers, doing their job, but still inexperienced... and like the mechainc... not good at their job ( 'bad').... a job that can be fatal for officers or citezens.... Like in the case of Philando Castile... a fellow Permitted Gun Carrying man.... that did NOT brandish his weapon was shot dead by Officer Jimenez from outside of the vehicle... in broad daylight... in front of his girlfriend and daughther because he was, evidently, too scared to perform the requirements of his job and shot a man dead. If you don't think that can happen to you, you may want to think on it a bit. I have black freinds who council their kids on how to survive a interaction with officers.... And like Trey said in the conversation above, he's never had to have the same, repeated, conversation with his kids... and most whites have not either. Most.
Yes.... there is adaquit reason to Re-Evalute the roll of police, the Unions where some are corrupt or abusive.... and how our citizens are protected.
Police have a dangerous, difficult job.... I think that they could be much improved upon with better training and being held accountable for their actions...
I'm tired of the hyperbole that if flying around on BOTH sides of this argument however.
Defund the police... NOPE...
Regulate them better.... Yes
.... provide better pathways to get rid of 'bad-apples' without threats from the likes of Bob Kroll, David Clarke or other extremist agents.... again, Yes.
... yes... Control some of the nutbags/thugs running some of the FOP organizations
... yes. Stop giving certain officers training or allowing them to participate in training that views the citizens... that they have SWORN to "Protect and Serve"... as the "Enemy"..... unless you want to live in that world of fear and outrage.
You cant expect to pee in your pool and go for a clean swim.... and standing by silently or turning an eye is doing just that... Peeing on our Constuiton and societey that ... in it's very words.... the 14th ammendment.... provides 'Equal protection" ... protection for Officers and Citizens, all citizens.
I believe in my heart that the 14th is every bit as important as 1st or 2nd. For ALL citizens.
I do beilve, wholeheartedly... from personal experience/observations as well as learned expeiences... that Black people in the this country are systematically treated in a manner that contradicts the 14th amendment and ANY Proud Patriot should rise to their defense in calling out the injustice and hypocracy of situations that demand action to defend.