Getting ready to build my TNytro and wanting to compare these 2 turbo setups. I was pretty set on the Impulse but seems the more i look around more people are running the MCXpress over the impulse. Just wanting opinions on these 2 setups preferably ones that have one or the other and why they chose one over the other.
Well, MCX has been around for quite a while longer, RX1s, Apexes, etc..
Lots of years and lots of proven miles. MCX seems to be the easiest for a non-tuner or someone who just doesn't wanna tinker. Which has its pluses and minuses in the end.
Impulse, I think has really proved themselves these last couple season though.
MCX is a rear mount, Impulse is mid mount. So, turbo lag is typically less with the Impulse (or any mid mount).
MCX has a muffler, but dumps out the back (above the tunnel), where as Impulse has a tunnel dump [no muffler] and dumps on top of the track at the front of the tunnel/bulkhead.
I own and run an Impulse Nytro, purchased from Paul.
Paul definately has the customer service/relations thing down. He will take care of you, and get you dialed and up and running. He knows his stuff, he rides his stuff, and that makes a big difference when you run into questions or need tuning help or suggestions.
Being as Impulse uses a fuel controller and 2nd fuel pump, there can be some "dialing in" of fuel delivery.
This is one area where MCX and Impulse differ.
MCX you have no control or way of changing fuel delivery (by what I understand), its automated, or simply preset. This is good and bad.
Good, because you have nothing to adjust or "dial in" persay. Turn key, pull trigger..and you get what you get.
Bad, because you have nothing to adjust.
(Yes, same as above.) You can clean up the bottom end/mid range some with the fuel controller (in the Impulse kit) and find a lil more snap (throttle response). And also have the ability to control fuel when "on boost". Along with fuel pump (fuel pressure) adjustments.
I'm very happy w/ the Impulse setup. I'd definitely recommend his kit. Very well put together and thought out. The turbo hanger/support is a great idea for relieving header stress from hard hits/drops/jumps, and just supporting the weight of the turbo in general.
That said, I have a couple buddies on MCX Nytros that I'm looking forward to riding with this season, to see how the 2 kits compare in a more direct comparison.