Make yourself a holding tank of some sort.
At the top of the tank where you are going to do your filtering make yourself up a cone shaped filter made out of a few layers of window screen. The cone will face down. Now on that cone place a finer filter material like cheesecloth.
You want to make that cone up so that it sits near the top of the tank and goes all the way to the edges of the tank.
Install a fitting just below the cone but above the area where the syrup will be held. That fitting will go to a vacuum device that will pull the air out of the holding tank and pull the syrup through the filter and down into the tank.
You will want to make sure that you keep the syrup over the top of the cone at all times, so you dont break the suction with an air leak.
If I were building this, I would make the tank out of stainless steel, cut the top off, and cut the tank about 3/4, 1/4. The 3/4 part would be the actual holding tank, the 1/4 part would be the sides that you place on top of the edges of the cone filter. the edges of the cone will be rubber so it sits on top of the tank, then put the 1/4 section on top of the cone and clamp all three together.
Pour in the syrup, turn on the vacuum device, and the syrup gets pulled through the filter and into the tank. Put a gate valve on the bottom of the tank so you can drain it. You might want to put a sighting device on the tank s you can see when your approaching that fitting for the vacuum.
That design would allow you to easily take the sections apart and clean the filter.
You just have to make sure that you dont fill the tank part up with syrup so high that it reaches the vacuum fitting just below the cone filter........
Why not try something like that?