Maybe the 1000's you're comparing to are the ones not set up right???
We actually haven't run our Tm8 against that particular sled (Brian didn't ride much toward the end of the season, but I have personally seen, as have a number of people on here (who probably have the sense to talk about something else during the summer

) that particular M1000 walk on a bunch of them. It wasn't one random incident, he goes looking for them!
This isn't a rant saying that turbos are junk, or that every N/A sled will stomp on them quite the opposite, but more to the point that Kelsey isn't blowing smoke in his statement that a PROPERLY ported M1000 can run with them. Also disagreeing with the idea that the best you will do is 15-20hp over stock with N/A. Everyone who has a living to make on here has a biased view to an extent (Kelsey or Shain) but when the facts get distorted they need to be corrected.
I'm simply saying that it IS true to a limited extent & I HAVE seen it a number of times.
btw, this is at 10,000+ not flat land.
Thanks for posting facts vs. speculation
It is true.. The M10, Kaleb is referencing is the MPM/RKT M10 I am talking about.. This sled is no longer in our possession nor MPM's.. it has been sold! but, it will still be around.. This was a 2007 M10 With RKT/MPM ported cylinders, RKT Head, RKT Clutch kit, MPM case work,
many other MPM tweeks, SW single pipe (we tested all the twins on this sled and the single, surprisingly, worked better from 8000ft and higher.. This sled runs on 91 octane and runs like mad!! MPM and RKT have done many like this and they all run similar.. We have tested against PLENTY of PUMP GAS M8/Dragon Turbos and the M10 is ALWAYS out front as is the 860R. This M10 has also been known to handle quite a few TApex's running some good boost...
The PGM10 turbo is a great running machine and at 5PSI boost would be a good match for the M10 N/A.. The 800 class turbo sleds will ALL need race gas or a mix to compete with this M10..
The bottom line is.. ALL turbo sleds lose the SAME HP at elevation as the N/A sleds.. I do not understand why this is so hard to understand.. Think about it.. Unless the turbo is spooled.. it is a N/A sled.. If everybody could just install a turbo on the end of their pipe and not have power loss at elevation, We would all be doing it..
So, UNTIL the boost is coming.. the turbo M10 is at the same or even a bit less power at 10,000ft as the stocker M10.. So, lets assume 165HP on a stock M10.. Let's also assume a 30% loss at 10Kft (I think it is less but we will do 30% because most think that is the case) So 165 x .7 = 115.5HP at 10Kft.. So call it 116HP.
So, BOTH the turbo M10 and the stock M10 are at 116HP at 10kFt.. Now, at 5PSI there have been claims of 250HP so 250-116 = 134HP GAIN.. Hmmmm Is this really possible?? IMO, Not a chance..
So, the idea that ANY TURBO can gain 134HP on 5PSI boost IMO, is not conceivable.. Heck, even 80HP on 5PSI would be a miracle..
But to more than double the HP with 5PSI would be quite a feat.. I THINK the reasoning is that at atmospheric (14.7PSI) boost pressure you can essentially double the HP of the engine.. So, at sea level.. the 165HP at 14.7PSI becomes 330HP.. This is theory , reality could be less or more.
Ya see.. HP per pound of boost is NOT linear.. meaning.. the power increase exponentially not linearly.. So, if you make 100Hp with 10 PSI boost. 1 PSI would NOT be 10HP or even close to it.. it would be closer to 1-2HP (guess).
It takes BIG BOOST to make BIG Power and to run BIG BOOST you need BIG OCTANE... and 91 octane is NOT BIG OCTANE

.. Simple as that.. 116 octane IS BIG OCTANE!!
Having said all that.. the M10 at 5PSI is very impressive!! There is some lag but it is a nice set-up.. but what it is NOT is a 250HP or even a 200HP set-up.. more like 160HP. But 160HP compared to 116HP is an absolute A$$ Whoopin!!

M10's at 10PSI would be closer to 200 + HP and would be sick!!
It takes
over 9PSI for an M8 to out-run with my 860 at 9000ft and my 860 can not hang with the M10's we build..
I ride with a guy with a Brad Story M8 at 10PSI and he has me covered on my 860. . but , he can not run pump gas..
I am sure there will still be people calling BS on all this. But Physics is Physics and the laws of Physics can not be changed..
Kaleb and Knzee has first hand experience with GREAT running N/A sleds against PG turbos.. And they are in agreement.. In fact, Kaleb owns a race gas turbo.. so, he is not biased in any way shape or form..
I also have similar experiences. I called out quite a few Dragon and M8 PG turbos this year with both my 860 and my M7-M8BB. Got a few takers and faired very well.. And we are NOT doing drag races (the N/A Sled always wins with this) we are doing Deep powder hill pulls.. This is where the turbos really shine!
So, again, the facts are their.. to speculate based on NO EXPERIENCE is not really a valid comparision..
Also, as we all know, ALL turbos do not run the same.. Some run much better than others.. So, it would stand to reason, that the same applies to the big bores.. agreed? So, just because you saw Brand X's BB run do not assume that all run like this.. Same goes for my comparisons against the turbos.. I surely have NOT compared against all of them.. just a few different kits.. So, my findings are not conclusive either..
Hopefully, this thread can stay on topic and the personal attacks and bashing will not prevail.. But, I suspect not..