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Los Angeles


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Los Angeles
The noise depends where you go.

Any real riding starts at Bakersfield and to the Sequoia national forest.

During weekdays if you know somebody you could ride in Big Bear on closed forest trails for search and rescue training. On weekends the environmentalist will follow you around Big Bear while calling every government official they can get to arrest you.

The reason I enjoy riding Sherman Pass is it is very secluded. Also, it has an unusual amount of snow this season.
Been there at least 6 times this season and saw my first hiker last week snowshoeing to ski down to the mountain. Most other people I met at the trailhead or with sleds on the trail.

Even while sledding it is rare to meet another rider not in your group in Sherman. There is so much room.
About 100 miles of groomed trails and 100's of miles of off trail riding.
When the police and forest service meet us at Sherman they go OUT OF THEIR WAY to make sure we are okay and have a good time. The only reason Sherman is open is for snowmobiling.

Most riders are from the Bakersfield sugarloafers club going to Sherman.
Another great rider I know living in LA is SNOWBLIND and his website is http://www.mtnx.com. He is a Mammoth guy.

The next stop up the 395 is Mammoth Lakes and up the 99 would be more Sugarloafer trails in the Sequoia National Forest.
From where you are Mammoth and Huntington Lake are about the same distance at the 5/405 northern junction.

As compared to driving time Mammoth and Huntington are only about 1-2 hours more than getting to Sherman. Why ... the drive to Huntington and Mammoth are well traveled and maintained roads. You can drive 55 plus most of the way. The last 10-30 miles of roads to Sherman staging area have no guard rails , bring a shovel and saw to clear the road if the Forest service or Sheriff missed clearing it out. Or drive over and or around if it's not too big.

Spring break next week. Taking the family to ... Sherman for 4 days.:D
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Will you be up thru Thursday? Not sure if I'll be able to swing it, but if I can ditch a day I'll try to come up. It's really dependent on how the work week starts turning out for me though. Have fun.

Travis...this season was stellar up to Sherman...deep/fresh pow 7 of my 8 rides up there this season. Last year was the worst ever and still a good time.
I never made it up further north this season and I'm not too bummed. Definitely bring the sled down.



Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Los Angeles
I will be at a rented cottage about 2 miles from Sherman Road next to Kern River Tuesday and Wednesday night. Will be in the area Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday.

Right now we are only looking at riding on Wednesday.
Gotta try and please everyone ... if you know what I mean.

Thursday the group will decide on what they want to do from what they did Monday thru Wednesday ... sledding , hiking , fishing etc.

Taking the entire family so not sure what kind of riding we will do with 2 adult sleds 1 child (8 mph max) sled with 3 adults and 4 children.

Gonna try to work our way up to Sherman Pass. Probably take all day going up to Sherman Pass and down.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Los Angeles
Was at Sherman Pass yesterday afternoon. Snow depth 5 feet at the pass.
Patchy from the Snowkat Parking to the porta potty.

Was giving rides to many non-sledders so never did more than ride to Sherman Pass and back many many many many times.

Did 80 miles in an afternoon !

Multiple storm front next two weeks to hit Sierras starting this weekend. Lets hope it is measured in feet after it is all over.
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Active member
Dec 1, 2007
Blanchard, ID
Considering the conditions last year, 5 ft ain't bad. Was the snow pretty wet and sloppy?
Been real busy at work and other "projects", can't believe how fast March went by. Gotta get back out in the next week or two. Will keep fingers crossed on another storm.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Los Angeles
Considering the conditions last year, 5 ft ain't bad. Was the snow pretty wet and sloppy?
Been real busy at work and other "projects", can't believe how fast March went by. Gotta get back out in the next week or two. Will keep fingers crossed on another storm.

Yep ... wet and sloppy off trail and on trail was pretty hard packed. Only went off trail next to trail but seemed firm enough.

Definitely no need for scratchers with afternoon temps in the 50's.

There is a set of cold storms coming in from 1-10 April ... no foolin but don't know how far south they will get. Mammoth says they will hit there with a couple feet of snow.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Los Angeles
Heading to Sherman ! Hope to meet someone there. Anyway will only ride late today and Saturday.

Gotta be with family Sunday and Monday.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Los Angeles
Rode for couple hours on Friday 4/4 at Sherman and rode to the Yurt. Some new snow blowing around, no accumulation.
Saturday 4/5 rode with group with couple new riders. Thank you for the nice time.
Friday night camped at Snokat parking and was down to 26F early am, peak day temp was in the 50's.
Little snow from snokat parking to Porta potty. Few feet of snow at Porta Potty.
Riding to Sherman from Porta Potty and on and off trail around Sherman pass very very nice with on and off trail conditions very nice in the afternoon.
Trail from Sherman Pass to Yurt became progressively worse with washed out bare spots and deep channelled ski ruts.
In Summary very nice spring conditions riding around Sherman Pass (5 feet plus), trail to porta potty an asphalt adventure, and trail to Yurt is rutted.
Trails show no signs of recent grooming.
For what we found riding around Sherman Pass is your best place for deep snow with no bare spots. Did not venture more than few hundred yards off trail since we had first time (young lady and older guy like me) riders. They rode well and had a good time.
Would recommend if unloading at Porta Potty but right now unload from Snokat to Potta Potty and 1/3 way on asphalt.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Los Angeles
Forest servvice says there are still some snow left at Sherman with unloading at the porta potty.

Snowed in the Sierra last night , saw it coming down on radar in Tahoe.
Don't know how much or how far south snow fell.

I might have access to a condo cheap (less than $75 a person for Friday/Saturday) in Mammoth this weekend 25-26 April plus I heard you can unload onto snow at the porta potty on Sherman Road with 3-4 feet at the pass.

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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Los Angeles
Next weekend- May 3 will be my next chance. Maybe a sick-day from work can be arranged next week. Anything left up at Sherman? Anybody have some plans?

At least I will get you a report.
It is gonna get warm starting this weekend. 80's - 90's so I think it might be melting fast.

Was told by Rangers there are at least a 3 feet left at the pass.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Los Angeles
Went to Sherman Yesterday. 2 -3 feet at the pass/vista.
Parked at porta potty and no snow.

Very poor conditions for a mile, patchy snow, ruts from porta potty to 102 road turn off to Mosquito Meadow.

Once you get to Sherman pass riding is okay from pass to 117 turnoff.
Sherman Pass forest service sign showing pictoral view of Mt. Whitney is visible and an obstacle climbing Sherman hill.

117 turn off poor/no snow and lots of fallen trees. Trail 101 from 117 towards yurt is bare with little / no snow. ( Only rode a few hundred yards on asphalt approached fallen tree and turned around.)

Only decent snow is between Sherman pass and Sherman Pass trail. Snow was nice compared to the other areas. Snow is 2 plus feet (no bald spots and the area around trees are small) with couple inches of new snow.

Broke sled on a trail rut and limped home.


Active member
Dec 1, 2007
Blanchard, ID
Thanks for the update Don. Actually better than I was expecting,but still crummy enough to end the season in So. Cal. Will have to head north if there is to be anymore riding this year.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Los Angeles
Thanks for the update Don. Actually better than I was expecting,but still crummy enough to end the season in So. Cal. Will have to head north if there is to be anymore riding this year.

So are you "ill" enough for a road trip?
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