I got this from Stan regarding the meeting this weekend with the forest circus:
I felt the meeting went well. There was no expectation of immediate agreement when we started and the process will continue at least until the end of the year and could run longer. The FS gave me a copy of all the comments sent in and I will dissect them by the end of the week. Looks like about 80-100 snowmobile comments. 8-10 mtn. bike, very few ATV/ MOTORCYCLE. Without going into all the nuances of the meeting structure there is one large group that breaks into four small groups to try reach consensus on the various issues. We (snowmobilers) were able to distribute snowmobilers through all the small groups to get a balanced representation. I have the easy group because two members of ISSA sit with me. Did we all agree to do the boundary adjustments. No. Are we deadlocked so it will never happen. No. That was the positive that came out of the meeting. My group has the Idaho Conservation group and Winter Wildland Alliance group reps (staunch wilderness advocates) sitting with us but at the end of the meeting they came up to me , shook hands, and said “I think we can get this done”. Nine months ago we were seeing who could piss the furthest. I noticed one of the reps for the Great Burn Study group (drivers of the Gt. Burn wilderness) shook hands with one of our Missoula snowmobile guys and thanked him for his professional input to their group. The FS did say to all of us that they have had to rethink the snowmobile aspect of the planning process. They are openly talking about the potential for the forest plan overturning the travel plan decision. None of this means we have a done deal but I, and the snowmobilers I talked to after the meeting, are all cautiously optimistic this will happen if we keep the snowmobile advocates engaged to the end.
When you are talking to people about this, the Flathead and Lolo forest plans will be structured the same way under the new planning rules. The experience we get from this exercise will help us in those negotiations. A forest service rep. told me the Lolo NF is slated for 2016.