There are very valid points from both sides of the discussion. It's good to see it remain civilized

Poacher, I definately don't agree with your view on "when your time is up" theory (just my opinion), but I can see how it is sort of relative to your point. I do think it could take this thread off on a tangent of religion, though, so I won't comment any further on that! lol
McX, Mtdream and the others with the same view, I can see your point. I totally agree that if you are a friend or loved one of someone who dies, (pretty much no matter what the cause is), it hurts extremely bad.
Someone (I can't see the screen name while typing this) asked my view on street racing and how innocent people get killed etc... I'm not going to lie and say I don't do stupid stuff from time to time. But I usually don't condone actions that have a high possibility of killing someone else. The older I get, the more conservative I get. I think it happens to most people.
Anyway, the topic was about people who put themselves at risk while having no regard for the feelings of loved ones left behind.
Can you guys see both sides having valid points? I can. Obviously, I lean towards the idea that 1. death is part of life 2.if someone wants to risk their life doing fun things, it should be their choice.
BUT..... I would have to also say that:
If you have people depending on you financially, it would be responsible of you to get life insurance, have a good handle on your financial situation, etc.
Ask your riding partners if they are ok with you climbing, jumping or whatever. If they know the risk and are ok with it, then great. If they are uncomfortable with it, don't do it. You have choices on who you ride with. If it bothers you that your friends are more conservative than you, I'd suggest finding riders that fit your style. I don't do this everytime I climb and neither do they. But we try to, and I think it is the respectful thing to do.
Ok...enough rambling for me today! Someone elses' turn to type till their fingers fall off