my hunting story.....
friday night before opening day of elk, right off the main road saw a heard of 90-100 head of elk, at least 4 spikes. opening morning we went on the other side of the road because the side where the heard was the night before was being hunted by everyone. we walked this game trail along the bottom of a ridge, it was a level bench with thick vegatation and about 15-20' low cut trees....very thick. LOTS of rubs and fresh tracks, the heard was obviously moving through this area. we followed the trail until it cut up into a draw where there was another guy. we turned back and decided to walk up on an open hillside on the rige and sit and watch the trail below. as soon as we made it about halfway up the 100 yard hill we heard 3 shots just down the ridge. we climbed about 25 more yards and as soon as we sat down (about 45 seconds after we heard the shots) 6 elk came running out on the hillside about 30 yards from us and stoped dead in their tracks. all cows, they turned down the ridge and when they did my dad spotted a spike, they were trotting to the one and only open area on the game trail below and as soon as the spike popped out my dad and I shot almost the same time. I saw him jump in my scope and he took off into the thick woods. being excited we ran down the hill after it to where one of us hit it. no sign of any blood. we scavaged through the thick brush and I walked up on it to where I was about 15 feet from it before i saw leggs sticking out of a bush. my dad was walking around behind me and I yelled to him "stop! its over here" as soon as I did the elk jumped up and before I could even raise my rifle he was gone in the thickness. there was a fair amount of blood where he was bedded down but no trail. I literally crawled on my hands a knees trying to follow blood but it was too sparse. we walked about 75 yards in the direction it took off and came across a guy sitting on a stump and he looked as if he had no idea what was going on. we searched high and low for 2 days but never did find it. Live and learn, my dumb mistakes cost me our elk.
that day there was 8 spikes killed in that area that we knew of, one truck had 4 spikes! the guys who did the shooting before us killed one and missed the other one (the one my dad hit)
none the less it was an awsome hunt, couldnt ask for more then seeing animals and being there with my dad. It was a hunt to remeber.