i grew up on a rez in wyo, and all i have to say is wtf are these crazy inuts thinking..... i wish i was an indian so i could get a check every month, a full ride scholarship to college and a free place to live for the rest of my life and be able to get drunk for days because indians have only been drinking alcohol for 200 years and they dont produce an enzym in thier liver to break down alcohol like us white folks 

what is really stupid is the more kids they have the more money they get so guess what? even more worthless indians running amock on the rez... i hope they go through with thier retarded plan, and see how easy they had it, the US government rufuses to support them again, they go out get a job and become useful members of society.....now dont get me wrong, i have a few indian friends that are great people and they have taken advantage of thier endless opportunites and are livin REALLY good.. sorry to get off the subject... rant over