just wait
I tore my meniscus while in iraq and limped around on it for about 6 months before surgury. It could of contributed to it being a worse tear i suppose. But they tried scoping it and then had to open me up as they were unable to do it with the scope. I think ur recovery depends alot on what they did. most meniscus cases they simply trim the trear away but in my case is was a deep tear so they stiched it back. So if ur case is like mine where you have stiches in the mensicus you really need to stay off of it cuz you dont want them tearing out. it was a long road to recovery with me. I was in the gym alot before the injury weighin 205lb at about 10% body fat...i had the surgury and couldnt lift for a good 2 months...i dropped 20 lbs in no time. the reason i bring this up is that it takes a toll on ur body..dont rush it,,just slowly work back into it. and i wouldnt even think about doing it until you have full range of motion back and all pain is gone