OK, I finally got word back from Chuck Harris. The thread was pulled because of the track that it was on as far as "bashing" Klim.
It is of my opinion that Tudizzle had a valid complaint, had in fact contacted Klim regarding the FAILED warranty claims and tried to do things the right way first. While he and I have had our own separate issues, I believe that he was right to complain. I think that a company, any company for that matter should stand behind their product. Especially a company that charges as much for its product as it does. I wear Klim products and I do like them, to me they are they best out there and I hope that they continue to be the leaders, but denying a small claim like his is wrong. A pair of $100 gloves should last longer than 3 or 4 rides.
I am saddened to see that companies like Klim and Boss Seats have turned to using foreign labor to make their product and it is obviously showing in the defects that are popping up more and more each day. I hope that they can resolve this problem and go back to being a reliable company that produces a product worth what they charge.
In the future when you have a complaint about a retailer, manufacturer, dealer or such please post photos, letters and any proof that you went about trying to get things done correctly and professionally before starting a public complaint. I feel that you will still get your point across to others and even the retailer. Any posts that go into blatant and senseless bashing and name calling will obviously be deleted, so don't get all bent out of shape when it happens. It may be me that does it, it most likely will be a super mod that deletes it, as I will try to edit or get you to edit before somebody else disciplines you. I don't want to see members leave this site as we are all brothers and sisters in this sport and should stick together.
FYI, I don't drink any Kool-Aid. Hence the warnings that I have gotten from Admin myself.