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King's Hill 2017/18


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 28, 2007
Great Falls, Montana
Thought maybe we should start this up for the season.
We went up yesterday and the conditions aren't wonderful, we pretty much stuck with the roads and they were badly rutted from pickups and hunting season. I would advise no off trail travel at this time unless you know what you are doing.

There was about 10" of new snow up top. There was open water by the beaver ponds leaving the parking lot, and the parking lot was a solid sheet of ice.

Jeff went out with the groomer last night to dress up some of the roads, there isn't much to do to the trails yet. We have a section on our web site to access the groomer spot so you'll know what is groomed. great-falls-snowmobile.org

If anyone should encounter downed trees, let us know, here, their location. The groomer needs 16' clear so if your cutting, go wide.

We have a new phone app called Trail Treker it has the ability to track your ride. It really works well for either location or tracking. We are the yellow line on the example from yesterday. It will also record elevation, average speed, max speed and miles traveled.

See you in the mountains, finally.

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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 28, 2007
Great Falls, Montana
Agreed on the forcast. Looking forward to meeting up. We went out in the groomer again last night and the snow was actually pretty good to the east side. We went around Jefferson Bowl, then on to Spur Park and Higgans Park and across over to the head of Lamb Creek then back to Ant Park.

The gates are open between Higgans and Lamb and the trees are cleared. The gates on the west side are still closed but we plan on opening them tomorrow. Divide road is groomed so the truck tracks are gone.

Check out the track from Trail Treker, we are the yellow line, or go to our web site at great-falls-snowmobile.org and access the link for the groomer spot.

Use caution out there.....



Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 28, 2007
Great Falls, Montana
We went back out again yesterday to finish the gates. Some areas the snow was actually pretty good and other ares not so. USE caution off trail.

Jeff is out in the groomer but about all he can do is smooth the truck tracks, not enough snow for the tiller to do it's job so the trails aren't really set up.

No snow for a week could be bad....

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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 28, 2007
Great Falls, Montana
Hank and I were out yesterday and put out the beacon checker leaving the parking lot. One needs to come to a near stop for it to work correctly.

We also put out trail markers across Spur Park on towards Ant Park then across the top of Higgans and on to the gate before Lamb Creek. These are low visibility areas and will aid the groomer at night as well as sleds in the fog.

If any should fall over, don't hesitate to help us out and stand them back up.

The trails were rutted but not ruff and nearly all have been packed once we need more snow to do any kind of job.

Remember any day on the snow is better than a day at work. Ride safe.

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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 28, 2007
Great Falls, Montana
There is a fair amount of snow out west as well as up top but the grass is still showing in alot of spots. The trails have been packed but not enough snow to really groom. I would say ride all you want just use caution. After the weekend i would assume everything is tracked. Maybe the weather will come through.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 28, 2007
Great Falls, Montana
Little update from our neck of the woods. We are finally getting some meaningful snow and things are looking up. If we could shed this cold air.

Went out with Jeff last night in the groomer and it was about 18 degrees on the mountain. Haven't been riding so I can't offer much info. Maybe somebody could chime in.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 28, 2007
Great Falls, Montana
We are back up and running with the groomer. Jeff is trying to get caught up with the trails. We got good snow out of the last storms but it was cold. The weather broke and all is about back to normal.

This weekend, January 6 from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM is our new years chili feed at the groom haus. This year will be a chili cook off with contestants bringing their favorite recipe and the public will have the opportunity to vote on the favorite.

This is a free event for all riders so stop by and have lunch on the club.

We are having a little encroachment into closed areas. In an effort to keep piece with everyone, please check maps and know where these areas are.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 28, 2007
Great Falls, Montana
Our chili feed turned out great, we fed over 70 riders. Many thanks to Hank and his crew who made it all flow.

There was a little time for a ride and the snow is pretty good in spots, the base is ok but the land mines are still out there so always be alert.

Jeff is back on the grooming schedule and the trails are better than ever.

Ride safe.

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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 28, 2007
Great Falls, Montana
We were up and took a little run out the west side yesterday. I'm here to tell you, the neighborhood is tracked up. We ran to Iron-mines,and down Williams park way. Conditions were the same everywhere.

It was snowing lightly all day and the wind came up to almost white out conditions.Temperature was lower 20's.

Parking lot was in good shape and the trails were groomed like none other. We need new snow......


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 28, 2007
Great Falls, Montana
We were up yesterday and the wind was blowing haaaaard on top so we went west and found great conditions. Anywhere from 12" to 18" of fresh untracked powder. It snowed hard all day.

The parking lot was plowed and in good shape. It is supposed to snow the next couple days then turn cold for the weekend. Go figure !!!!

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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 28, 2007
Great Falls, Montana
Well gents, we were up yesterday for a while and our neck of the woods is having a major snow event. We had about 9" of fresh on the truck and at the groomer shed there was a foot. Visibility was near zero. Jeff called from on top and said it was zero. If this second storm materializes we will have over 2 feet in just a couple days.

The wind was blowing so watch your step out there. The possibility of avalanches are real at the moment. Enjoy the powder, it's gonna be great.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 28, 2007
Great Falls, Montana
All, the 3 club cook out at Ant Park is coming up Sunday March 4 from 11:00 to 2:00 pm. So stop by and have a hamburger or Beer Baron on the Great Falls Snowmobile Club. Have that conversation with old friends or take a minute and meet new ones. Paulsen's Power Sports say they will have a couple sleds out there for your viewing pleasure. The weather will be perfect with blue sky's in the low 20's, maybe. See you there.


Active member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 6, 2007
Bow, WA
Thank You Kings Hill !
Had a great day last Friday exploring the east side . Sunny , fresh snow conditions .


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 28, 2007
Great Falls, Montana
We were out Sunday to the 3 club cook out, great turn out and an excellent job by Donna and the boys.

On the down side it was cold and visibility was poor. We did get about 3" of new snow and the Spur Park snowtel is up over 80" that's a pretty good indicator of how good the snow is.

Thanks to all who helped with the cook out and to Jason Howell for taking the time to go for a ride with us.
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