need to throw stones. I feel I have my facts straight, I go only by what I see.
1.) Are you a shop steward? just curious.
I have worked on both 737 and 757 lines, have worked extensively on just about EVERY aspect of both. I did body join for years, join, drill and fasten. The 787 (which I have also worked on) will have even less labor involved (if all goes as planned) than the 757 did....which was built 95+% in-house and on one line.
2.)My thought is that B will run the 2 lines for 2-3 years and then re-evaluate how the 2 compare.....the 2 lines will allow them to play "catch-up" to avoid some of the late delivery penalties, THEN opens the strong possibility of closing one of them if it is cost effective or if orders dwindle.
It makes no sense (to me) to have 2 seperate parts handling systems (air transport, rail transport, truck etc...) 3,000 miles apart to build the identical product, IF it can be done on one line effectively for less $$.
I'm sure we both want the same see Boeing stay HERE and keep our jobs HERE with good pay and benefits.
The question is, does the manner that the IAM and the members conduct themselves at key times encourage that? Or discourage that? If YOU owned the company,
3.)how would YOU react to your employees marching around yelling and banging on garbage can lids on YOUR company time, wasting YOUR $$. Would you be more inclined to respect them and keep them employed if they instead worked, were respectful and conducted themselves in a civilized manner? I am truly embarassed to be a IAM member when I see the idiotic displays of mob-mentality on the news and in the factory. It does NOT help us, it hurts us.
4.)And the last 2 initial offers were VERY good. Better in alot of aspects than what we settled for if you break out the calculator. The offloading language we got was meaningless....ask the facilities guys that are no longer here but were guaranteed not to get offloaded
Sorry to come across as throwing stones Brew...not my true intent.
First and foremost...
I'm writing this from my own beliefs and not as a Union Steward.
1.) Yes, I have been a Shop Steward for a long while but I'm definitely NOT your typical 100% IAM Union cheerleader, not even close. I think some of their people's ,
NOT ALL, political beliefs are towards socialism and don't even get me started about that!
I disagree almost entirely with every politician they ask us to endorse.
Also, I don't agree with them on quite a few things they seem to stand for but most of that is driven by the International, not our local.
2.) I don't believe there will be a "First" line assembled in Everett as soon as SC is up and running...I give it About 3 years...Contract time.
It will also move to SC...No doubt in my mind really.
3.) I hope you realize when the marches take place it's to show that we are united towards the goal of a fair contract and definitely
does have an impact on the company's negotiators.
Generally speaking, the managers in the shop are continually asked to gauge the temperament of the shop floor and because the Union does not employ but a very few lawyers as negotiators it helps the "regular Joe" who is working to get the company's very highly paid contract lawyers to actually sit down and discuss issues rather than just throw down a scribbled offer and walk out. THAT happened during the last talks every day.
Out of each 24 hour period of "Face to face" negotiations last year the company would only show up at the hotel for about 45 minutes and then simply get up and walk out. There was no negotiation.
I know this because some of the Union negotiators (sub-committees) are good friends of mine.
4.) Did you actually read the entire initial offer last year, not just the "Quick guide"?
First, the money portion was NOT the reason for the strike so as far as I'm concerned there is no need for a calculator. It's no secret we are well paid.
It was the things the Company was going to remove from the prior contract. The take-aways were dramatic.
I don't mean this personally about you at all Brew...Hell, I don't even know you
but anyone, after reading the
entire initial offer and still thought it was a fair offer, is friggen nuts.
It took the Contract Lawyers that the Union had on staff days of pouring over it and then comparing notes to see all the hidden pitfalls and blatant take aways to say nothing of the retiree benefits that would simply vanish that the company stuffed in there.
I have a lot of friends at Everett who are managers and even
they realized what the company was trying to do...And they admitted to me that we would have been fools to accept it.
It was NOT about the money aspect of it.
We lose money every time we strike that's a no brainer.
It's for a much larger purpose like securing good local jobs for the future, never losing ground on a chance for a great career for the next generation.
Unfortunately, the company
will leave Washington entirely in the next 18 to 20 years.
Yes, it will be much cheaper to operate Boeing somewhere else.
But would you pay top dollar for a Mercedes built in Korea?
Or a BMW built in Taiwan?
As a discriminating customer you pay the big bucks for those kind of high dollar products based on the fact that they are built by a tradition of craftsmanship, not the cheapest paid labor...right?
Remember...the Union members are the ones who voted down the offer by over 85%.
Don't blame Union Officers for that.
Every person who builds the Airplanes
is the Union, They made the decision to strike. Not the Hall across the street.
They're only stake in this was to try to negotiate the top responses from all the surveys that went out over the last few years.
I'm sorry about your friend who was laid off as a result of outsourcing.
They did all they could for better language concerning outsourcing our facilities jobs and the company would not even speak to them about the subject.
Were you willing to strike MUCH much longer to get them to discuss it?
That's what it would have taken but then that's what this whole thread is about, Isn't it?