Here what you do. Paint your Sled just one solid color... Tell her that since you cant have the sled of your dreams that you wanted to fix yours up a bit (Just a little lie).... So paint the whole thing black or white or somthing just easy. Now sell the sled, buy your Pro Rmk store it at your buddies for a bit, Paint the Pro the same color as you painted your old one, this should fool her long enough for you to get a couple rides on her or may even fool her for seasons to come !!! This plan will not work however if she snowmobiles her self . So this may not work for ever this is your best bet for a quick hide. Or you could always ask your local dealer to right you up a fake receipt to your wife showing her that you got an AMAZING deal on a new pro, and that all you had to do was trade it straight across for your old one . You just gotta think outside the box ! hang in there.