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Inviting all sledders to West Yellowstone

Thread Rating
5.00 star(s)
Mar 6, 2003
Well boys (and girls), if I understand things correctly, in the near future this site will no longer be free. Enjoy it while it lasts. I've enjoyed chatting back and forth with you guys, but I refuse to pay for this.:(
Hopefully we can get together again on some other site. :)
By the way Kurt, where exactly (site) are you hiding out now?

I have the same question, where is the new hide out? Use some stars in the name if need be so we can get the information out.
Dec 8, 2004
Monticello, Mn
shameless self promotion

Because I know a bunch on my MN crew frequent this thread I thought I would post this for them.

My Band is playing at Jersey's in Inver Grove heights on Dec 5th.
We are opening for GB Leighton. (an awsome MN band)
here is a link to the flyer




Active member
Nov 26, 2007
Hay Christopher or Scott, would one of you Fncktards please delete this thread, as I will no longer be here. You two have sure done a good job of screwing this site up. Oh and don't bother letting me know that I'm bannned as I really don't give a SH!T....................

Kurt, I have always stayed at the lazy g, next to you, for years...I've even worked on a sled with you when you where drunk.....I used to stay at the Goldenwest for years b/4 you took over....I have always recommended your place to people and have had people form our group stay with you when the Lazy g has been full....After this little rant i have pause on whether i will continue to recommend you...please explain yourself better if you can. Thank you.
cooke is about 1/15th the size of west, but yet they have ALL KINDS OF THREADS!!WHY CANT MORE PEOPLE POST ABOUT CONDITIONS IN WEST!!! i know i might be from va. but the week i spend out west is what i live for!!!! i freakin love this shiiiiiitttt!!!
As I have received numerous emails pertaining to this thread I felt it necessary to log on and post. 1st and formost I owe Scott and apology. I did not mean to direct my displeasure at you personally, and therfore am VERY sorry Scott. I know that you are doing what you are directed to do. If you every get to West I would love to have you stop by for a in-depth visit.
It has become very upsetting to me when I make a post and certain links that I post are re-written to say Snowest. Why is this? Is Snowest afraid of loosing business to a competitive site? I logged in the other day to answer my pm's and let people know what was going on and low and behold when I gave them the addy to where I was now posting it changed it back to S.W., why? Three simple questions I would like answered.
As to you mngoat, who are you and why do you think you have to stick your nose into this. Hopefully the above has given you better site on my feelings. I run a damn good business and will not be intimidated by your remarks. If you don't like what I have over here at my motel, stay away, plain and simple. I go out of my way to help people out, whether they are staying with us or not.
Powderhound, I would give you a link to where I am now posting but am sure it would post as S.W. If you would like you can call me at 406-646-7778. I would like to keep everyone informed about the snow conditions and pictures of our rides.
To SnoWest I would like to say THANK YOU for the allowing me to promote my business. I feel that I have brought informative information to your site. No hard feelings on this end, and hopefully on your end too.................


Active member
Nov 26, 2007
As I have received numerous emails pertaining to this thread I felt it necessary to log on and post. 1st and formost I owe Scott and apology. I did not mean to direct my displeasure at you personally, and therfore am VERY sorry Scott. I know that you are doing what you are directed to do. If you every get to West I would love to have you stop by for a in-depth visit.
It has become very upsetting to me when I make a post and certain links that I post are re-written to say Snowest. Why is this? Is Snowest afraid of loosing business to a competitive site? I logged in the other day to answer my pm's and let people know what was going on and low and behold when I gave them the addy to where I was now posting it changed it back to S.W., why? Three simple questions I would like answered.
As to you mngoat, who are you and why do you think you have to stick your nose into this. Hopefully the above has given you better site on my feelings. I run a damn good business and will not be intimidated by your remarks. If you don't like what I have over here at my motel, stay away, plain and simple. I go out of my way to help people out, whether they are staying with us or not.
Powderhound, I would give you a link to where I am now posting but am sure it would post as S.W. If you would like you can call me at 406-646-7778. I would like to keep everyone informed about the snow conditions and pictures of our rides.
To SnoWest I would like to say THANK YOU for the allowing me to promote my business. I feel that I have brought informative information to your site. No hard feelings on this end, and hopefully on your end too.................

Kurt.....I think your barking up the wrong tree.....maybe you should reread my post.....Who am I you ask?.....Just a person that has recommended and referred people to your motel for years...that's who....Nowhere did i say i didn't like what you have with your hotel....."I go out of my way to help people out, whether they are staying with us or not.".... Why do you think I tell people to stay with you?.....It just seemed out of character for you to type that little rant on snowest so all i wanted was a little explanation. I'm sorry you feel this way and think I'm sticking my nose in you business.(I guess i will stay out of your business for now on) I hope things get straightened out with the snowest site because i know people enjoy getting your town and backcountry reports. Take care, Mike.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2007
yeah, no Kurt...that is not good...still sending him business, as he is great people!!!!

will be heading down to the Canyon for riding through New Years...will try and post some reports each night (if we are not wrenching :))
well i came here looking for snow conditions in west yellowstone which is what this thread is supposed to be about. I can see that this forum has gone downhill enough that i can't even come here for the information i'm looking for. Kurt's threads are what i follow most often since they're actually informative and you've managed to piss him off which is tough to do. One entire page of a thread with nothing pertaining to the topic. see you on bakcuntry


Scott Stiegler
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 1998
W Mont
Well these threads haven't always been JUST about snow conditions...it's the BSing and brotherhood in there that keeps it going too.
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