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I'm Venting.....



Well-known member
Allright, it was already a damn long day before 8:45pm rolled around, I just left the gun shop and was headed to get some ammo at the gun store and on my way there I happened to take the life of a black lab. I was doing about 65mph and he came SPRINTING across the road. Anyways, I caught him, passenger side. Almost put this dog in half, and it wasnt a small dog, those who have labs know how big they get, and this pup was full grown. Anyways, I hit the damn dog at a complete surprise, never saw it, and it threw me into oncomming traffic, nailed a deliniator post and put me sideways on the 2 lane highway (by the way, my truck is an F-150 ext cab long box and it has 285" tires on it). Anyways, just wondering what I hit because I wasnt sure exactly just what the hell I hit, I go back. Lying in the road I see it, jet black dog with a bright yellow collar on it :( and the first thing that comes to mind when you (if you have never hit a dog) hit a dog, you think of your dog, and if that were him in the road that was just struck by a vehicle.

So, after about 2 min of letting traffic go by, I grab whats left of this dog off the road, I didnt want to leave it because that whole "what if it were your dog" voice speaks to you. So I grab this dog, and it was hard to say exactly just how big this dog really was, he was spread across the road for about 50yards but what I picked up of him id say he easily weighed 70lbs. Once I get him in the bed of my truck and I look him over with a flashlight I notice he doesnt have any tags on the collar So I go back to where I hit him and where he ended up and I scour the road looking for hopefully something that resembles a quarter thats etched with this dogs name and an address to a home to which belongs to a hopefully not so big family to ruin whats left of there weekend and I find nothing.

So I get in my truck and drive to the nearest house (rural area, lots of double wide trailers with shops around) and as im driving I notice my truck just isnt driving right. I get out my flashlight again and go around the front of my truck and take a closer look and find that the piece of crap plastic bumper that hangs down from every F-150 is broke, my steel bumper is bent twards the tire and my tierod is bent :face-icon-small-dis Great. This is karma, for all the coyote's lives im responsible for im sure of it.

Anyways, luck of the draw, first house I find they are sitting outside next to a fire pit (about 9 adults, all doing what Rural adults do on saturday nights at 9pm--drinking--) and drive up to them . I get out and ask if anyone around owned a jet black lab.

Lucky again, a voice speaks out and says "yah, my dog ran away about 40 min ago and I cant find him. Did you find him?" :( I told the guy I found him and maybe he should come over and take a look in the back of my truck to claim him. So he gets up all excited that someone found his dog and peeks in the back of my truck with my flashlight. When he notices whats left of his dog I start the whole appology and "im sorry to put you through this un-fortunate event and ruin your night", the guy just stand there, doesnt say anything for a good 30-40 seconds holding my flashlight thats pointed at whats left of his dog, and a beer in the other hand, and just stand there and stares at it. Then I started the appology thing again, he still doesnt say anything. Then this attracts the "other" drunk or nearly drunk adults over due to curiosity. They all see it and asked what happened. So I tell them of course

Then the owner finally speaks out. Let's paint a picture here, this guy probably stands 6'2" and easily 250lbs, im 5'8" 157lbs probably on my best day, and this guy starts getting in my face :face-icon-small-con calling me a murduring f*** and "why didnt I swerve to miss the dog". So I retold the story and gave my appologies again, then the guy pushes me :mad: (he's obviously been drinking, and later finding out from by standers at this firewater gathering that he's a single guy with no family **thank god**) and he keeps pushing me calling me a murduring f*** and that I need to get off the property.

Well I sappose when he told me that I should have but I couldnt just leave knowing that that could have been my dog. So I offer to help the guy unload his dog and bury it and help any way I can. I even offered him to take pick of the litter out of a batch of pure breed australian puppies I have comming on the way (which I guess probably was not the smartest thing to ask after delivering someones dead dog) but I felt that was the best I could do for this guy. But me being there just pissed him off even more. So I go to get into my vehicle and he's walking off leaving his dead dog on the ground by my truck, and as im crawling into my vehicle a young lady at this "firewater gathering" offers me to write my number down and to come back later after her friend cooled off. I agreed, so she gets a pad and pen for me to write down my information.

Well, drunken dog owner comes back as im writing my information down FOR HIM and pushes me hard from the hood of my truck to my driver side door slamming my door and pulls a goddamn knife on me :mad: (also, keep in mind the 8 other people are still standing around and along with the light from the fire I also had my headlights on) I could see the knife clearly enough and he was standing about 4' away from me holding it out threatening me with it (smaller pocket knife, 3-4" blade) cursing me to leave.

So my first instinct being backed up against my truck and the only way for me to leave would be to turn my back on a guy whos holding a nicely sharpened device threating me with my life and to open my truck door and leave wasnt going to happen. I backed up to my truck to open the door and he takes a step twards me holding the knife. Thats when I decided that I had had about enough of this bulls*** and I draw my pistol on him. And I wouldnt go into detail too much on this but im going to so you folks can possibly paint a better picture in your mind as to whats going on, but when I pull my pistol on him (always loaded of course, and if you dont know Kimber pistol systems, they have the palm safety that allows it so you cant shoot the weapon unless the gun is in your hands and your ready to shoot and I use that as my primary safety) and well, my gun has a laser that you cant help but activate and its pointing right on his head :face-icon-small-sho

Time goes by pretty slow when that happens, and thats the first time ive ever drawn my pistol on a human before so im about as scared as this guy is and at that point I really only just want to get the hell out of there in a timely fashion. Well the 8 bystanders step in and try calming this guy down (which hopefully your attitude would change when you have an active pistol in your face, and to no ones surprise he got pretty calm) but being in the same boat we were, we were both waiting for one of us to make the next move, and i was hoping it was him turning and walking away. Which after his friends pushing his "knife hand" away from me and pushing him away actually got him to walk away and allowed me to rapidly holster my gun and get in my damn truck and leave.

So I get in my truck and leave anxiously at a rather high speed and get back out onto the highway (im about 15 miles out of town) and I get to just about the first gas station and lucky for me, someone at the party had called the cops and gave them my vehicle identification. So I got pulled over, pretty much knowing why he was already pulling me over I just turned my truck off. Well lucky for me it was a deputy that I knew very well and he already knew who he was pulling over and was kind enough to be the first cop to get my side of the story. So he gets my side of the story and all that bullcrap and just as he was about to let me go home for the night, a Highway Patrol car pulls up behind his cruiser (keep in mind im still on the highway so this guy is going to act on his jurisdiction (SP?)

So he comes up and asks whats going on and all that, happened to notice the weaponry I keep in my truck :face-icon-small-dis ohhh boy, he flips a b**** switch. I'm going shooting tomorrow so I loaded pretty much all of my recreational weapons, I had about 12 guns in my truck from everything to long distance to full on high capacity assault weapon. So he makes me pull ALLL of my guns out on the side walk, puts me in the back of his cruiser while he inspects ALL of my weapons on the bed of my truck, run back round checks and goes through my tool box on my truck, goes through my cab. Takes awhile but he had nothing on me. He let me go after I go to sit in his cop car for awhile. But, from a sort of silly point of view, the back seat of those dodge Magnums are actually pretty cool :D that thing was LOADED minus the leather, a rather comftorable cruiser to sit in.

So really, thats the end of it, it was a long day, and an even worse night. Not really sure where I sit at the moment, but my truck needs work. And sadly enough, if I ever hit another dog, after the experience I just had, I think ill just take it to the animal shelter and remain annonymous. Hopefully when this guy sobers up he will give me a call and hopefully he keeps an eye on his next dog.

But pissed that he pulled a goddamn knife on me :mad: thought I was going to have to shoot the redneck that brought a knife to what he though was a knife fight.

Rant OVER!
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Good on ya for trying to do the right thing with the owner. Im a dog owner and know what you are talking about that you felt obligated. Sucks it blew up in your face for doing what should be done.
Geez Nate.............. hell of a story. You tried to do the right thing and got blindsided. Damn good thing you carry a pistol or it could have gotten real ugly.

I have two golden retrievers and would have done the same thing. To call me a dog lover would be an understatment. I would total a new pickup to miss hitting a dog (I realize you had no choice - or knowledge of it happening), but I still hunt coyotes. HMMMMMMMM

Would have liked to have been there to give you a little backup.
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you damn CCCS'ers.. :eek:.. haha...

Nate you have a very good head on ya my friend.. first off by doing the right thing by trying to find the owner of the dog.. and then defusing the situation at hand with no violence.. (gets the ol' adrenline going though :D)....

The cop situation is too bad though.. I've been in the same boat myself... pretty crappy feeling.. expecially when you know that everything is legit..

The whole moral of this story.. Handguns and CC is needed in america today now more than ever..................
you damn CCCS'ers.. :eek:.. haha...

Nate you have a very good head on ya my friend.. first off by doing the right thing by trying to find the owner of the dog.. and then defusing the situation at hand with no violence.. (gets the ol' adrenline going though :D)....

The cop situation is too bad though.. I've been in the same boat myself... pretty crappy feeling.. expecially when you know that everything is legit..

The whole moral of this story.. Handguns and CC is needed in america today now more than ever..................

yes they do and good for you Nate glad it turned out alright... scary chit tho...:eek::eek:
yep- good on ya for letting him know about his pooch. Having a knife pulled on ya gets you going pretty good:eek: nice call on the lazer tho:face-icon-small-win You did the right thing; a guy just can't tell what the other is going to do tho. Emotions are a bit#@*!
:eek: :eek: Wow.......sorry you had to go through something like that Nate!!! I'm sure the whole experience was a horrible one, and one that got even worse from you doing the right thing. You can know in your heart you did the right thing, all the way through this terrible time......and handled it in a responsible manner.

I hope you're feeling a little better today!! :heart:
Ouch ...

You were **** outta luck that night ... talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time :(
What a story..... Glad it turned out with everyone alive and not in jail.

This is a perfect example of why the 2nd amendment is so important, imagine if Nate here wasn't legally allowed to protect himself??? I could see that story ending a whole different way.

I can relate to the trooper experience, been through that before.... Some of those guys just go totally ape$hit when they see guns.
What a story..... Glad it turned out with everyone alive and not in jail.

This is a perfect example of why the 2nd amendment is so important, imagine if Nate here wasn't legally allowed to protect himself??? I could see that story ending a whole different way.

I can relate to the trooper experience, been through that before.... Some of those guys just go totally ape$hit when they see guns.

Many of these retards are losers who couldn't hold a real job.
So we give them badges?:confused:
Glad you didn't end up like the freaking dog. :eek: Sorry about your truck. Beer and rednecks, now there is a mighty fine combination. :beer;

Your discription of the story got my adrenaline going. Being a dog owner, I would have thanked you for having enough compassion for bringing the dog back. Good carma will pay you back in the future.

I don't own a gun, but this sure makes me think. Without your weapon, this could have ended up being a different story!

I know people like the redneck you describe. Bad drunks=bad decisions.

Glad everything worked out.

And thank you from All us dog lovers!
I would echo Catwoman. You did what you would have wanted done, if it were your dog. Some people would have been pissed about the damage to the truck, and left the dog where he laid. I'm glad you had your gun with you, or we might not be reading your story now. Sorry for what you have been through.
Dang nate, that really sux. I've got a black lab myself...... sorry to hear that. However I believe you handled it the exact same way I would have. Never had to pull my pistol on anyone but it is there just for BS like that. Good deed and very poor payoff.........
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