Not trying to be a dick Travis but i'm pretty sure that wasn't your first trip up the Parks, that signs been there how long now???John, when the sign is practically knocked over and those same officers know that and sit near that sign and pull you over for doing 57 in a 45... that doesn't fall into your simple equation. I had a radar detector, but i didn't think i was speeding, so i didn't bother braking... The fact i was driving a Silverado SS and he was a self righteous moron who has probably never taken an ethics course probably played more of a role.
BTW - radar detectors of mostly BS - they don't work 80% of the time, and they encourage dangerous driving.
AND - A good portion of Troopers/APD are good people with good intentions... its the few like APD Officer James Conley (patrols HWY from Highland exit to Thunderbird falls) that create public distrust and encourage this so called B*tching...
I just don't get the complaining by people who just flat out get caught speeding then complain they were setup or whatever. I couldn't even begin to tell you how many times i've been passed by guys/girls towing sleds on slick and icy roads and with no regard for others safety. The Parks highway is one of the least maintained roads i've ever driven on and almost always has a nice thin sheet of ice built up on it in the winter, it's amazing more people aren't hurt or killed out there.