Usually I would never comment on something like this, but I find it odd how over the years the outrage has turned into acceptance. (And even being defended)
It seems people are becoming brain washed into thinking that these constant problems are okay. Polaris screwed everyone with the 900. They also screwed everyone with the 2008-10 800s. Those guys are left behind with a sled that is worth absolutely nothing and breaks down on average 1.4 times per ride.

(Sarcasm on the ride per failure stat for all you Mr Serious's out there)
"If you want reliability, this isn't the sport for you."
Oh sorry, I didn't expect my brand new $13,000 sled to make it more than 5 rides anyway. I should have known right?
"1000 Miles per engine is okay, they are high performance after all"
Uhm, sure... I wouldn't expect them to be bulletproof forever. But cmon, least performance from any of the big 3 in terms of engine output, I'd expect the least performance to come with the BEST reliability....
"Who cares, I have 4 year warranty, I'll just put a new engine in every year"
Oh gee sorry, I guess Polaris owes it to the customers to make the sled as worthless as possible once the warranty runs out.
I'm not trying to bash anyone here... just making an observation in the current trend I've noticed. (The same people who used to complain about the reliability seem to have changed that anger towards Polaris into anger towards anyone who questions the reliability. It's like you guys are trying to change the standards so that everyone will see the Polaris engines as "acceptable reliability." But do you guys seriously believe that, is it really acceptable? Or are you just a little angry with what has been endured over the years?
I know my post has probably angered some people.... even though that was not my intention at all. So bash away if it will make you feel better.
And in all fairness, I think it is almost too early to tell if this new engine will be another flop. Remember most of the problems in the 08 engines started to show up in the 09 season. I really hope these Pro engines will continue to hold together, because Polaris really owes it to their customers to finally have a sled that works well and stays reliable. (Not to mention I could see myself riding one if they stay reliable. Pretty impressive chassis they have here)