heres what i know about my new rt or at least what ive been told. 21t top gear and stock bottom i assume (whatever that may be), holz front end kit and rear end kit, not sure about the weight loss with those kits, 8 inch billits and idlers, all plastic removed, rear cooler removed, bulkhead bypassed, vented like mad on the doors, prefilter on the intake box, remapped for high altitude 10k and up, not sure what can is on it, usi tripple threats with the shark fins.all else is stock. rode it 7 miles today in some sweet powder in an aspen grove. i was really impressed with its ability to not get stuck. the clutching isnt perfect but its not too shabby. pretty long beast but really feels the same as the 151/800. couldnt get it to really wheelie up a hill like i see in the pics some post. that would be sick. so let me break into my clutches tomorrow and get this tune show on the road. i ride at 10k and up. -nick