Is this too much to ask?
Jeff -
What's the deal? You still haven't gotten me payment for the jackets you bought. I know you got good use out of them, you told me yourself they work great for you.
It is bs that you haven't paid me! I have been waiting for way too long after help ing you out by sending them before payment cleared so you would be able to use them.
Do something good for somebody, get screwed? Is that how you want people to repay your trust? I wouldn't expect this kind of situation from another person trying to do business on Snowest or anywhere.
Why have you not responded to any of my messages? Are you intentionally screwing me? One time I can understand a miscommunication, the second, third, fourth time... No.
I sent you another invoice via PayPal on Thursday and I will again today. Please pay so this can be done with. It doesn't take credit card companies or banks this long to fix an account issue, whether it be someone stealing your cards or whatever you intial issue was with your payment not going through.
Fix this so it can be done. I pride myself on taking every step for people doing business with me to be happy with the transaction. Luckily I have only been screwed once, this time. Don't ruin it for everybody else. You made a deal, I followed through with my end and went the extra step for you.