I just got back from the big horns, and I once again noticed all the young guys(between 21-25) who all were riding 2011 or 2012 pro rmks that weren't exactly stock. I also noticed a couple of these fine fellows had nice 5th wheel rigs with towed with fairly new trucks too!
This leads me to wonder how the heck can they afford these things?!? Do they live in the truck or what! Even when I am done with my schooling and after I get into my career field I still doubt I'd be able to afford such expensive things! The only semi-logical explanation I could come up with is that most of them were farmers which is why they had the big trucks and trailers.
Anyone else what to chime in on possibilities? Jeeze they make me question my career choice
This leads me to wonder how the heck can they afford these things?!? Do they live in the truck or what! Even when I am done with my schooling and after I get into my career field I still doubt I'd be able to afford such expensive things! The only semi-logical explanation I could come up with is that most of them were farmers which is why they had the big trucks and trailers.
Anyone else what to chime in on possibilities? Jeeze they make me question my career choice