Good on you!! You can't be afraid to warn people of dangers you are aware of. Even if it does offend them. You handled that perfectly!!
We all need to share alll the information we possibly can about avalanches and avalanche deaths.
Being able to see with your own eyes the slides, terrain that slid, actually going to the sites that have taken lives has helped me a lot. I used to think that avalache death was just not a real threat in my situation but since have found out I was wrong!!
I have very much appreciated the Avy classes that I have taken. I would really like to see an on the mountain training that trains us how to test the snow and interpret what we are seeing.
Lately I have decided to talk to people on the mountain even if it irritates them. If I KNOW something is dangerous and likely to avalanche I am saying something. I offended some guys the other day, I apologized for offending them but told them I just could not ride away without caring enough about them to warn them. They quickly saw that I had their best interests in mind and thanked me for the warning.