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How about our great President!!!

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Jan 15, 2010
I get a kick out of you guys. Now the sky is falling because we had a bad couple days in the market?

Nobody said the sky is falling yet, just calling out supergenius-only a fool would claim to be solely responsible for the markets like he did. correction was obvious, but no way he has the stones to own it even though according to him he does. I’m surprised he isn’t blaming Hillary yet.

Couple more days like today and Friday you might want to check on the sky though.

Look at why the markets are dropping...
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Well-known member
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Mar 18, 2009
Winsted, MN
Enjoy the coaster ride:face-icon-small-con. It will go down again tomorrow, then up the next. Down the next two. Then up. Probably will hover around 25,000 for awhile. Just gets the nervous Nellies to sell. Gives the heavy hitter investors some chances to make some serious money and play the game. Probably ruin a few and make a few portfolios.
I just watch mine, no biggie. Sun will come up, hopefully snow then set tomorrow.


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
I get a kick out of you guys. Now the sky is falling because we had a bad couple days in the market?

Not saying the sky is falling at all but calling the worst drop in the history of wall street "a bad couple of days" is sugar coating it a little don't you think mafesto? And yes the market will climb back up probably even faster then it fell. However, now that all the regulations have been removed to prevent reckless speculation and gambling. this will happen again and again. Since no one went to jail for it the last time they tanked our economy doing the same thing. everyone knows now that the tax payers will bail them out again and again. they get richer and the country as a whole gets worse off.


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Oct 5, 2009
I'm not either of them & my views on a good many things diverge from theirs, but as far as my quality of life & gays goes, here goes:

At 5 years old, my dad abandoned his wife & six kids to go live with another man for the rest of his life. Never paid child support. Manipulated all 6 of us kids into seeing him as a victim again and again. Came around to make token appearances every 5 years or so & point out how proud he was of his trophy children. Attacked our beliefs passive aggressively throughout our teenage and adult years. Died in 2010 with the only one of my siblings who could still tolerate his presence there with him. His partner then held a yard sale a week before he told my sister he was going to & sold everything that might have held any sentimental value to any of us to support his meth habit. So yes, My quality of life has been impacted by homosexuals. I'm not afraid of them though.

I realize I may be a little biased because of my own personal experience, but viewed through my own particular lens, the gays I've been closest to in my life have been some of the most selfish, manipulative people I have ever known.

Maybe its time for Trump to come out of the closet.

Jean-Luc, while we don't share the same views on many things, I find myself enjoying your posts. They are interesting and well thought out.
You always seem to make your point without being abrasive and confrontational. Nice work.
If only you could become more anti-DEM!!! :face-icon-small-win


Well-known member
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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
I'm not either of them & my views on a good many things diverge from theirs, but as far as my quality of life & gays goes, here goes:

At 5 years old, my dad abandoned his wife & six kids to go live with another man for the rest of his life. Never paid child support. Manipulated all 6 of us kids into seeing him as a victim again and again. Came around to make token appearances every 5 years or so & point out how proud he was of his trophy children. Attacked our beliefs passive aggressively throughout our teenage and adult years. Died in 2010 with the only one of my siblings who could still tolerate his presence there with him. His partner then held a yard sale a week before he told my sister he was going to & sold everything that might have held any sentimental value to any of us to support his meth habit. So yes, My quality of life has been impacted by homosexuals. I'm not afraid of them though.

I realize I may be a little biased because of my own personal experience, but viewed through my own particular lens, the gays I've been closest to in my life have been some of the most selfish, manipulative people I have ever known.

Maybe its time for Trump to come out of the closet.
I am sorry for your troubled past. It's sad to hear stories like yours.


Well-known member
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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
I saw a film clip from 2013 where Trump blamed Obama for the government shut down claiming the responsibility falls on the president. If it was true then, it must be true now. The republicans have the white house, a majority in the house and senate, and two thirds of the governors across the country. Being that no one can make deals like he can, and he is a genius, how did the shut down happen? Trump reminds of a classic line from Dirty Harry. "Yeah, you're a legend in you're own mind".

As many have said, the sky is not falling. But it will if there is a major conflict on the North Korean Peninsula. The two goof balls with their goofy hairdo's scare me.

On another note, has anyone been down to the US/Mexican border? Just curious if anyone has started pouring concrete for the wall Mexico is paying for.


Well-known member
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Mar 18, 2009
Winsted, MN
I saw a film clip from 2013 where Trump blamed Obama for the government shut down claiming the responsibility falls on the president. If it was true then, it must be true now. The republicans have the white house, a majority in the house and senate, and two thirds of the governors across the country. Being that no one can make deals like he can, and he is a genius, how did the shut down happen? Trump reminds of a classic line from Dirty Harry. "Yeah, you're a legend in you're own mind".

As many have said, the sky is not falling. But it will if there is a major conflict on the North Korean Peninsula. The two goof balls with their goofy hairdo's scare me.

On another note, has anyone been down to the US/Mexican border? Just curious if anyone has started pouring concrete for the wall Mexico is paying for.

Trump just said if they cant reach a new law on immigration that he hopes it will shut down. Blame him all you want and the repukicans!! Thats part of the reason I like him!! He has really brought to light that the republicans and dems are one in the same. Neither side really wants to work with him. Call it ego or whatever the heck you want.

Its all BS in the grand scheme of things. (wish there would be 2 term limits for all of them) At least he is trying to do what he campaigned on. The mid terms will determine which way the country wants to slide....hopefully


Well-known member
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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
I saw a film clip from 2013 where Trump blamed Obama for the government shut down claiming the responsibility falls on the president. If it was true then, it must be true now. The republicans have the white house, a majority in the house and senate, and two thirds of the governors across the country. Being that no one can make deals like he can, and he is a genius, how did the shut down happen? Trump reminds of a classic line from Dirty Harry. "Yeah, you're a legend in you're own mind".

As many have said, the sky is not falling. But it will if there is a major conflict on the North Korean Peninsula. The two goof balls with their goofy hairdo's scare me.

On another note, has anyone been down to the US/Mexican border? Just curious if anyone has started pouring concrete for the wall Mexico is paying for.

The wall looks good there doing a great job on it. but my health care cost have when nuts i wounder why. o crap thats right that black guy did it what a great job black guy.
Jan 15, 2010
The wall looks good there doing a great job on it. but my health care cost have when nuts i wounder why. o crap thats right that black guy did it what a great job black guy.

In case you hadn’t noticed, Orange is the new black and has been for over a year with his party in full control of Congress ... didn’t he promise you that he had a great new health plan that was going to be implemented on day 1? I wonder what the repeal of the individual mandate did for your rates, I bet it didn’t make em go down. Like it or not, it’s trumpcare now. He even boasted that he had repealed Obamacare after they passsed the tax bill and killed the mandate.

Funny how Obamacare had much higher approval ratings than the mango messiah... maybe he should try to work with Congress rather than tweet insults at them.


Well-known member
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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
In case you hadn’t noticed, Orange is the new black and has been for over a year with his party in full control of Congress ... didn’t he promise you that he had a great new health plan that was going to be implemented on day 1? I wonder what the repeal of the individual mandate did for your rates, I bet it didn’t make em go down. Like it or not, it’s trumpcare now. He even boasted that he had repealed Obamacare after they passsed the tax bill and killed the mandate.

Funny how Obamacare had much higher approval ratings than the mango messiah... maybe he should try to work with Congress rather than tweet insults at them.
Orange is a great color. cant get it all done in one year no one ever has.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
I am sorry for your troubled past. It's sad to hear stories like yours.

I'm not all that bothered by it honestly. It happened. Its part of what has made me who I am. Through elementary school & Junior High, it was this thing to keep secret. About the time I turned 16, I stopped caring what other people thought about me & my family. Which is why I have no problem posting about it here. Getting comfortable in your own skin is important. Everybody has ups & downs. Every family has a skeleton or two in the closet. If you want to find someone to blame for your own failures, you'll just continue to experience failures. I make more than enough mistakes on my own to make up for any blame I can lay on my parents. If I can not only learn & grow from my own mistakes, but theirs too, then I think I might just be ok. But its a process.

To quote Data "Believing oneself to be perfect is often the sign of a delusional mind."

Trump & his blind adherents should keep that in mind.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
I'm not all that bothered by it honestly. It happened. Its part of what has made me who I am. Through elementary school & Junior High, it was this thing to keep secret. About the time I turned 16, I stopped caring what other people thought about me & my family. Which is why I have no problem posting about it here. Getting comfortable in your own skin is important. Everybody has ups & downs. Every family has a skeleton or two in the closet. If you want to find someone to blame for your own failures, you'll just continue to experience failures. I make more than enough mistakes on my own to make up for any blame I can lay on my parents. If I can not only learn & grow from my own mistakes, but theirs too, then I think I might just be ok. But its a process.

To quote Data "Believing oneself to be perfect is often the sign of a delusional mind."

Trump & his blind adherents should keep that in mind.
Thanks man!
Hey I might be in Blackfoot in early May.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
Thats what they do best bust **** up. they dont work they count on goverment checks. they never cam to trumps because they were in bed waiting for the sun to go down. :juggle:
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