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How about our great President!!!

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Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Does Michael Flynn give you a warm fuzzy feeling?
Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! :clock:

There was no witch hunt against Hildabeast.
Nobody ruined her life, drained her bank account, made her desperate to protect her family.

FBI, Comey, Lynch, Obama, Rice, DNC all protected her.

But with Flynn, Mueller is going for the jugular based solely on allegations.
Absolutely partisan bullshat!
Jan 15, 2010
There was no witch hunt against Hildabeast.
Nobody ruined her life, drained her bank account, made her desperate to protect her family.

FBI, Comey, Lynch, Obama, Rice, DNC all protected her.

But with Flynn, Mueller is going for the jugular based solely on allegations.
Absolutely partisan bullshat!

The only person who ruined Flynn’s life was Flynn. Give up the whole “but hilateeeeee” Defense, you sound pathetic. I thought you were all about personal responsibility?


Well-known member
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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
There was no witch hunt against Hildabeast.
Nobody ruined her life, drained her bank account, made her desperate to protect her family.

FBI, Comey, Lynch, Obama, Rice, DNC all protected her.

But with Flynn, Mueller is going for the jugular based solely on allegations.
Absolutely partisan bullshat!
There most certainly was a witch hunt and the head witch was Putin.
I don't see it as absolutely partisan bull when the republicans and democrats support Mueller.

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho

Face it. Trump lies just as much as Hillary. How many times since he took office has he had to throw up the "fake news" protest to anything & everything he has done or said.

I'm beginning to think it just goes with the Oval Office and all connected to it.

The easiest way to deflect someone accusing you of lying is to accuse them of lying, which is what Trump has done the WHOLE TIME.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
Face it. Trump lies just as much as Hillary. How many times since he took office has he had to throw up the "fake news" protest to anything & everything he has done or said.

I'm beginning to think it just goes with the Oval Office and all connected to it.

The easiest way to deflect someone accusing you of lying is to accuse them of lying, which is what Trump has done the WHOLE TIME.
Yes I agree about the lies. I just don't understand why so many just buy into his blatant lies. Go figure!
Jan 15, 2010
Isn’t the saying “if you aren’t guilty argue the facts, if you are argue the law”? Funny how trumps legal team is now trying to argue that the president can’t obstruct Justice... I’d call that arguing the law with no regard for facts. Even funnier that his current attorney general came out in ‘99 as a senator and very clearly stated that the president can be guilty of obstruction. Funnier still that the Nixon and Clinton were both in deep for just that. Legal precedent is pretty clear on this one.

Guess we should expect nothing less from this dog and pony show.

turboless terry

Well-known member
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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
There was no witch hunt against Hildabeast.
Nobody ruined her life, drained her bank account, made her desperate to protect her family.

FBI, Comey, Lynch, Obama, Rice, DNC all protected her.

But with Flynn, Mueller is going for the jugular based solely on allegations.
Absolutely partisan bullshat!

Looks like the witch hunt is against you. I bet you never thought you would be ganged up on by a a bunch of liberals on snowest.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Looks like the witch hunt is against you. I bet you never thought you would be ganged up on by a a bunch of liberals on snowest.

Yep, pretty disappointing.
I expected snowmobilers to have the ability to see past the fake news.

For over a year they have bought into every negative Trump sky is falling story. When each of these stories turns out to be fake news, they readily await the next antiTrump fairytale.
Process repeats itself, they fail to catch on.

Meanwhile America keeps chugging along, getting stronger each day.

To those who voted for him... Thank you.
To those that didn't..... You're welcome.
Jan 15, 2010
Yep, pretty disappointing.
I expected snowmobilers to have the ability to see past the fake news.

For over a year they have bought into every negative Trump sky is falling story. When each of these stories turns out to be fake news, they readily await the next antiTrump fairytale.
Process repeats itself, they fail to catch on.

Meanwhile America keeps chugging along, getting stronger each day.

To those who voted for him... Thank you.
To those that didn't..... You're welcome.

The fact that someone can see thru Donny’s lies doesn’t necessarily make them an evil liberal... he has proven over and over again how his base will believe anything he says just cause they want to, from his doctor saying he was the most fit guy to ever seek the presidency to his assertion that the current tax SCAM won’t benefit him or his family (estate tax???).

How’s he gonna pay for a trillion dollar infrastructure package or a massive border wall when they are currently pushing for a $1.5 trillion increase to the debt just based on the tax scam? I thought increases to the deficit/debt were soooooo terrible under obama, now you are all for it for a totally unnecessary stimulus that you can’t even comprehend. Disappointing alright.

turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
The estate tax is wrong, period. It has already been taxed. Quit spending so much money. The rich will get out of most of the estate tax anyway is my bet. You should be able to pass your stuff on to your kids.
Dispizing rich people because they have money is promoting mediocrity. How can You hate someone for doing well for themselves?
Everybody should get a tax cut imo.
Kind of dumb to put too much thought into what trumps doctor said.
Winners make things sound better than they are and losers blame everyone else and make things sound worse than they are.
Jan 15, 2010
The estate tax is wrong, period. It has already been taxed. Quit spending so much money. The rich will get out of most of the estate tax anyway is my bet. You should be able to pass your stuff on to your kids.
Dispizing rich people because they have money is promoting mediocrity. How can You hate someone for doing well for themselves?
Everybody should get a tax cut imo.
Kind of dumb to put too much thought into what trumps doctor said.
Winners make things sound better than they are and losers blame everyone else and make things sound worse than they are.

Who said anything about hating rich people? The issue I brought up is the fact that Donny said the tax SCAM will hurt him badly when in all reality based on what is known the exact opposite is true. Another of the thousands of complete lies that he expects you to swallow.

Yea, all those corporations sure are going to pass on the wealth to the peons, just like they are doing now in the current boom. The corporate world is awash with money. You actually think a tax break is gonna make em “trickle down” if they aren’t already??

What happened the last time they cut taxes and didn’t have a way to cover the costs??

turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Your posts blaetently show that you hate rich people. Now that we have that out of the way.
Trump is going to be ok either way. I take everything he says with a grain of salt. He is a salesman. I guess I don't get why you think it is a scam? I don't get why you don't think the corporate rate is too high? Do you think that has anything to do with wages or jobs. That rate is going to affect those 2 things. Corporate is going to be ok either way. Have you not noticed that you can't hardly buy anything that says made in the USA.
My guess is that you are an hourly worker stuck in the good ole hourly rut and dispise people for making money. You can only do so much for people . Some could do more. It is ultimately up to them. Then you will have to decide if that is enough. If not go stick your neck on the line and start your own business.
Jan 15, 2010
Your posts blaetently show that you hate rich people. Now that we have that out of the way.
Trump is going to be ok either way. I take everything he says with a grain of salt. He is a salesman. I guess I don't get why you think it is a scam? I don't get why you don't think the corporate rate is too high? Do you think that has anything to do with wages or jobs. That rate is going to affect those 2 things. Corporate is going to be ok either way. Have you not noticed that you can't hardly buy anything that says made in the USA.
My guess is that you are an hourly worker stuck in the good ole hourly rut and dispise people for making money. You can only do so much for people . Some could do more. It is ultimately up to them. Then you will have to decide if that is enough. If not go stick your neck on the line and start your own business.

I own 2 businesses and hold a US patent, not really afraid of risk... nice try though

If the corporate world is going to be just fine either way then why are Donny and his minions in such a giant hurry to go even deeper into debt to give em a useless tax break? You honestly think this reduction is going to make the super duper generous corporate world increase wages? They have had record profits lately, look at the market that Donny tries to claim so much responsibility for. If that theory was worth a sh!t then everyone would be rich and there would be millions of job openings (I wonder who would fill em??)... they are just gonna keep buying Ferrari’s and laughing their way to the bank.

Cutting income during good economic times when you have massive debt for questionable (at best) returns is not sound economic policy in the long term. They are only doing it to say they got a “win”. Even Donny’s own treasury secretary wouldn’t release his departments analysis of the bill-think it backed up their claims??
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Your posts blaetently show that you hate rich people. Now that we have that out of the way.
Trump is going to be ok either way. I take everything he says with a grain of salt. He is a salesman. I guess I don't get why you think it is a scam? I don't get why you don't think the corporate rate is too high? Do you think that has anything to do with wages or jobs. That rate is going to affect those 2 things. Corporate is going to be ok either way. Have you not noticed that you can't hardly buy anything that says made in the USA.
My guess is that you are an hourly worker stuck in the good ole hourly rut and dispise people for making money. You can only do so much for people . Some could do more. It is ultimately up to them. Then you will have to decide if that is enough. If not go stick your neck on the line and start your own business.

At some point you get frustrated enough to simply ignore JTK.
He is the definition of Trump Hater.
If our great President Trump had left taxes alone, he would cry about that.
If our great President Trump had raised taxes, he would have cried about that.
If our great President Trump had had cured cancer, he would cry about all the cancer doctors losing jobs.
JTK can't see the big picture on a single issue.
Jan 15, 2010
At some point you get frustrated enough to simply ignore JTK.
He is the definition of Trump Hater.
If our great President Trump had left taxes alone, he would cry about that.
If our great President Trump had raised taxes, he would have cried about that.
If our great President Trump had had cured cancer, he would cry about all the cancer doctors losing jobs.
JTK can't see the big picture on a single issue.

If I’m such a dumb libr’l sheep then please educate me as to how the current tax scam is good in the big picture. Also, how is dumping a huge bucket of gasoline on the current dumpster fire in the Middle East a good idea in the big picture?
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