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How about our great President!!!

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Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Liberals Vs Conservatives oversimplifies it.

I'm incredibly conservative compared to my brother with the gender neutral child.

I'm incredibly liberal compared to my Rush Limbaugh listenin' step father.

I like to think of myself as a constitutionalist libertarian.

And name calling is a weak way of trying to force your point across.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Why I homeschool my kids

No, I know some good ones, but sadly or education system has mentally disabled many of them.

No Kidding.

I have said those who believe their parents (of my generation) become republicans & those who believe the public education system become Democrats.

I live in an incredibly republican, conservative, mormon community, but you sure couldn't tell it if you start saying anything against the public school system. Its REALLY hard to shake 12+ years of government indoctrination.

We homeschool our Libertarian kids so they can learn to think for themselves.

Condoleezza Rice was homeschooled.

She'd be the first main stream candidate I'd vote for since I voted for W in 2000. Assuming she were to run. Beats "our Great president Trump" hands down in my opinion.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
So you all would've rather had Hillary for potus?

NO. I'd rather someone worth electing had run. Both the major candidates were crap. Which is why I haven't voted for a major party candidate since I made that mistake in 2000.

Hillary & Trump are both liars and completely untrustworthy. The fact that that was what the funnel produced for the 2016 election says some pretty awful things about the state of our country if you ask me. Time to throw away the funnel.


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Oct 5, 2009
NO. I'd rather someone worth electing had run. Both the major candidates were crap. Which is why I haven't voted for a major party candidate since I made that mistake in 2000.

Hillary & Trump are both liars and completely untrustworthy. The fact that that was what the funnel produced for the 2016 election says some pretty awful things about the state of our country if you ask me. Time to throw away the funnel.

I would somewhat agree with you on that. Mostly?


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Oct 5, 2009
I’d rather have Donald Duck than Donald Trump, but I gotta say the blind obedience of his followers and their lack of critical thinking is the most disappointing part of the whole debacle.

Look on the bright side, only 7 more years of Trump to make your life so miserable!!
That's really not so long, we survived that sh!tbag Barak for that long.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I’d rather have Donald Duck than Donald Trump, but I gotta say the blind obedience of his followers and their lack of critical thinking is the most disappointing part of the whole debacle.

That's all good and fine, but donald duck wasn't an option.
All your pissing and moaning about our great President Trump rings hollow when the best that you softies could come up with was Crooked hillary.

Relax, we'll be fine.
The Donald has this.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I guess forgot the part about his supporters being delusional too in my last post.

Let's bring some clarity to your delusional allegation.

Rigged election, turns out Hillary did that.

Collusion with Russians, yep, by the DNC.

Spying and abuse of power, that was obama.

But nevermind because the Patriots who stand behind our great President Trump, we're the delusional ones.:face-icon-small-dis
Jan 15, 2010
Let's bring some clarity to your delusional allegation.

Rigged election, turns out Hillary did that.

Collusion with Russians, yep, by the DNC.

Spying and abuse of power, that was obama.

But nevermind because the Patriots who stand behind our great President Trump, we're the delusional ones.:face-icon-small-dis

Calling yourself a patriot and blindly following the orange disaster dragging the us into the gutter with no critical thinking-yea, yer delusional alright. The only defence you have is to say how bad the democrats are.

Donny doesn’t have this, health care? Failure. Isis gone in 30 days? Failure. Tax reform? Yea right. Uniting the country? Pathetic.

All he’s done is piss off librl’s, and for that you call him great. Patriots all right...
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Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
All your pissing and moaning about our great President Trump rings hollow when the best that you softies could come up with was Crooked hillary.

And yet again because I/We do not approve of Trump we automatically endorsed/support the efforts of the DNC and Hillary.... Oh wait, nope, still not it. One day when everyone breaks the mental block of the 2 party limits we can move forward. Until then this is the bickering were stuck with.

Relax, we'll be fine.
The Donald has this.

See above posts regarding blind obedience...

I keep asking for your actual opinion on policy and all I get is comments like this one....


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
And yet again because I/We do not approve of Trump we automatically endorsed/support the efforts of the DNC and Hillary.... Oh wait, nope, still not it. One day when everyone breaks the mental block of the 2 party limits we can move forward. Until then this is the bickering were stuck with.

See above posts regarding blind obedience...

I keep asking for your actual opinion on policy and all I get is comments like this one....

Couple of reasons that I am reluctant to comment on specific policy...
1 Lack of information. I am not going to have my opinion formed by filtered information.
2 Most bills have some good along with some bad. So endorsing a bill because of something good will get twisted around by some little opportunistic prick trying to make themselves look more intelligent than they are.
3 We, the citizens can have opinions, but should not be bickering over policy. That is why we have elected officials. You and I don't have the opportunity to vote on policy, so fighting about it only spreads the diviee.

Does this help you?

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
I'm really hoping for only 3

Look on the bright side, only 7 more years of Trump to make your life so miserable!!
That's really not so long, we survived Barak for that long.

I'm still really hoping for just 3 more years of trump. Get both parties (or maybe more than both parties) to nominate somebody with principles worth electing. I would be delighted if Trump didn't get the Republican nomination in 4 years.


Trail Coordinator
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Nov 26, 2007
Ham Lake / Lake of the Woods, MN
I'm still really hoping for just 3 more years of trump. Get both parties (or maybe more than both parties) to nominate somebody with principles worth electing. I would be delighted if Trump didn't get the Republican nomination in 4 years.

If I was a betting man I would bet he doesn't run for re-election.

He proved he was able to win already. And by then he will have been able to do anything that he wanted to try and achieve (that congress was going to pass anyway).

Plus I don't think he will want to take the chance he doesn't get re-elected so if he doesn't run he will always be able to say he left on his own terms.

Plus I still believe he is leaving money on the table by being President. I'm sure he will work the Presidency any way he can to milk money out of it from a business standpoint after the fact (most of them do). But he is money driven and he makes way more by not being in that office IMO.

Just my thought anyway.
Jan 15, 2010
Couple of reasons that I am reluctant to comment on specific policy...
1 Lack of information. I am not going to have my opinion formed by filtered information.
2 Most bills have some good along with some bad. So endorsing a bill because of something good will get twisted around by some little opportunistic prick trying to make themselves look more intelligent than they are.
3 We, the citizens can have opinions, but should not be bickering over policy. That is why we have elected officials. You and I don't have the opportunity to vote on policy, so fighting about it only spreads the diviee.

Does this help you?

Yup, blind obedience and lack of critical thinking alright. How can you be an informed voter and preach about how great Donny is when you don’t even want to understand policy? You support him unflinchingly but I bet if you actually were able to comprehend the tax swindle he is pushing that would change. Huge debt, full employment (his words), corporate profits at record levels (stock market) and now we need to give them more money so that they will trickle it down to the hourly wage earners? Like what they make now isn’t enough?? Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out, but I guess if you don’t want to figure it out then go on like a lamb to the slaughter
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