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How about our great President!!!

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Jan 15, 2010
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that donnys nut swingers can't see the swindle he is about to pull on tax reform. No wonder he went bankrupt how many times? In business if you have a bunch of debt and you have a bunch of good years (stock market run since 2009) you don't just pay yourself a big chunk and take on more debt (tax cuts), you pay down your debt and save the nice payout for lean times so that you don't go bankrupt.... But they have promised this for years and no one has the balls to oppose it and get labeled as someone who wants to raise taxes. Donny just wants a win, he couldn't care less about what it costs to get one. I thought repugs were supposedly the party of fiscal responsibility??

Everyone screamed about obama raising the debt (actually a result of Ws wars, tax cuts and the sub prime mortgage crash) and now you are soooo stoked to send billions in additional interest payments on increased debt overseas so that you might be able to buy a new flat screen at wal mart. Do any of you have any concept of what the interest payments on an additional $1.5 trillion in debt would be? I didn't think so.

Anyone pay attention to what happened to Greece when they couldn't service their debt? donny has a long history of borrowing way more than he can handle and hoping it all works out. Sometimes it did for him, sometimes it went horribly wrong. are you ok with a guy with his record taking that risk in you?

Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
The new tax plan honestly looks like it was built by some middle class american with no understanding of economics..

Oh look I got a 5% raise at work, that means I can trade my truck in and get a new one since I can now afford a higher monthly payment! Making more money just means we can go farther into debt since lenders will give us more now.

Why build equity in anything and pay down your debts (and reduce interest costs/overhead) when you can just take what little extra money you have and get to wasting it right away?! America!


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
The new tax plan honestly looks like it was built by some middle class american with no understanding of economics..

Oh look I got a 5% raise at work, that means I can trade my truck in and get a new one since I can now afford a higher monthly payment! Making more money just means we can go farther into debt since lenders will give us more now.

Why build equity in anything and pay down your debts (and reduce interest costs/overhead) when you can just take what little extra money you have and get to wasting it right away?! America!

That's certainly one way to look at it, and I don't necessarily disagree.
However, YOU and a few others around here would throw a tantrum if:
Taxes went up
Taxes went down
Taxes stayed the same

You need to admit that what ever our great President Trump does, you will find a way to piss and moan about it.

You seem like the type to bich because ice cream is too cold, or beer is too free.
Hell, you'd cry if you were castrated because the knife was too sharp!
Jan 15, 2010
That's certainly one way to look at it, and I don't necessarily disagree.
However, YOU and a few others around here would throw a tantrum if:
Taxes went up
Taxes went down
Taxes stayed the same

You need to admit that what ever our great President Trump does, you will find a way to piss and moan about it.

You seem like the type to bich because ice cream is too cold, or beer is too free.
Hell, you'd cry if you were castrated because the knife was too sharp!

If you even comprehended what they were trying to do you'd be more choked than anyone. The whole premise of their reduction in corporate tax to 20% is that the corporations, out of the goodness of their hearts, would spend that extra money by raising wages across the board rather than holding money overseas to avoid the current tax rate. None of em ever pay even close to the established rate anyway. Do you actually think they will just decide to raise wages all the sudden because they have soooo much more $$$? Not a freakin chance. It's a giant cash grab, but in your ignorance all ya can seem to do is call Donny great and hurl insults. I guarantee you that donnys projection of an average increase in income of $4000 will never happen with this plan, anyone who passed Econ 101 can figure that out.

You guys lost your sh$t over the obama administration returning irans money to them upon lifting of sanctions, yet you are all about shipping more and more billions in interest overseas just because Donny says it's great and it pisses off libr'ls...

Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
However, YOU and a few others around here would throw a tantrum if:
Taxes went up
Taxes went down
Taxes stayed the same

Maybe you haven't payed attention much. When we talked about the whole health care debate I made it pretty clear that I am more then comfortable with some small tax changes, most likely up. I am a very healthy, hard working able bodied human where my biggest struggle is deciding on what color snowmobile gear to get this year. My quality of life is super high compared to a huge portion of the population and I am more then comfortable giving a bit to give back to our society and allow opportunity for those who do not have the same ones I have. I waste waste enough money each year on snowmobiling alone to keep a family of 4 above the poverty line. I may not have a ton of money in the bank, but its not because I struggling to get by. I am more then happy to pay my property tax every year as I know in MT it is a major funding source for our school systems.

Call me a sucker, liberal, whatever, I call it compassion.:juggle:

Not that I trust the gov't a ton but I actually trust them more then the corps who will be receiving the largest of the tax breaks. Trickle down economics didn't work, doesn't work, and still will not work. When we look at these policies and hear politicians sell them too us there are 1 of 2 options. They either don't understand economics at all (unqualified) or they are lying to our faces. Why do I have a strangle feeling its the later...

Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
Looks like just the interest in our debt for the Fiscal 2017 year was a measly $266 BILLION dollars. We waste a lot of money on half assed stuff but you can't even pretend that isn't insane. 266 BILLION dollars pissed away on just interest in ONE YEAR.

Just the interest on our debt would be the 42nd Largest country by GDP.

$226 Billion is 5.5% of our annual budget.

When I see Trump gutting social programs, national park funding, etc 'because we can't afford it' I honestly get it. Im not fond of it, but you don't spend your way out of debt. But to do that and then follow up with a tax plan that increases the deficit?!?! WTF OVER. I keep having a hard time remembering the republican party being the 'fiscally conservative' party as Im not sure what is very conservative about this stuff.

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Our _____________ President Trump

Mafesto likes to refer to "Our Great President Trump" anytime he refers to him.

It occurs to me that as he is our only president at present, and the only President trump we have had so far, we could insert any adjective we wish & it would be accurate.

Our Best President Trump?
Our Misunderstood President Trump?
Our Punk Rocker President Trump?
Our Infallible Genius President Trump?
Our Highly Delusional President Trump?
Our Bile Inducing President Trump?
Our "I can run a marathon faster than you" President Trump?

The Possibilities are endless.

Our Infinite Omnipotent President Trump?

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
OOh! I've got a good one -

Our "I'm having my youngest son's name legally changed to Zephram Cochrane & moving to central Montana for him to Study Astrophysics in time to be able to invent warp drive" President Trump.


I think I may need to use copy & paste to use that one at all times in the future.

Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
Settle down kids ;)

As far as tax reform goes I am super interested to see what happens In the next day or so when the updated version of the tax plan gets release. Rumors are flying they might forgo some of the Big breaks for the mega rich, but I don't believe it. Thats really the only reason any tax reform will pass. Don't wanna bite the hand that feeds.
Jan 15, 2010
I figured out how he is gonna save money for the tax cut-just hire low level coffee boys as foreign policy advisors, keeps the payroll down.

I expected a BS response from Donny to some of his KEY staff being indicted but he vastly exceeded my expectations


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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
I see that much of the plan is already falling apart... because it was not well thought out... and puts many constituents in the "loss" category.

This most recent that WHM points out in his link... puts new home buyers in the dumpster.... glad it got axed, for the well-being of this country.!

Things to mull over: (please note... The Hill is a very conservative media outlet).

If you believe in the fantasy of "Trickle down economics"... then you should probably skip this article :face-icon-small-win

The Hill
Analysis: Tax plan would cost $2.4Trillion, benefit wealthy most

The tax framework that President Trump and congressional Republicans rolled out this week would reduce federal revenues by $2.4 trillion in its first 10 years and provide the biggest tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans

The plan would also cost $3.2 trillion in its second decade, the TPC said.

The group’s analysis is preliminary, as the revenue and distributional effects may change as Congress fills in the details of the tax framework.

But the analysis indicates that Republicans have their work cut out for them. Trump and several members of his administration have claimed that their plan would provide no benefit for the rich.

“I guess the short answer is we don’t agree with them,” said TPC co-director Eric Toder.

Every income group, on average, would see a reduction in their tax bill in the first year under the plan, according to the TPC, but the nation’s wealthiest would get the lion’s share of savings.

The bottom 95 percent of earners would see on average an increase in their after-tax income of 1.2 percent or less. The top 1 percent, meanwhile, would see an 8.5 percent increase, TPC said.
In the plan's first year, taxpayers on average would receive a tax cut of $1,570, while those in the top 1 percent would see their taxes decrease on average by about $130,000. About 12 percent of taxpayers would see their taxes go up that year — including more than one-third of people making between about $150,000 to $300,000, largely due to the repeal of many itemized deductions, TPC said.

Over time, the effect of the tax changes would decrease on the lower end of the income spectrum.

“About 80 percent of the total benefit would accrue to taxpayers in the top 1 percent, whose after-tax income would increase 8.7 percent” by 2027, the report said.

By that point, about 25 percent of taxpayers would see their taxes go up, particularly among the middle and upper-middle class. Almost 30 percent of earners with incomes between $50,000 and $150,000 would see their tax bill go up, as would 60 percent of those making between $150,000 and $300,000, TPC said.

In 2027, taxpayers would receive a decrease in taxes of almost $1,700, but those in the top 1 percent would see an average cut of more than $200,000 and those in the top 0.1 percent would see a average reduction of more than $1 million, according to TPC. Taxpayers in the middle fifth of income would on average see a reduction in taxes of $660.

Read more at the link above.

URBAN Milwaukee
Who Benefits from Trump Tax Cuts?
In Wisconsin the top 1% will get 61% of the tax cut

The tax plan being advanced by President Trump and Republican members of Congress would mostly benefit the extremely rich, despite initial claims by proponents that it would be targeted at members of the middle class.

Provisions included in the tax framework include:

  • Reducing the corporate income tax rate from 35% to 20%;
  • Eliminating the Alternative Minimum Tax, which insures that wealthy individuals pay at least some level of federal income tax;
  • Eliminating the estate tax. Currently, only estates of more than $5.5 million for individuals or $11 million for couples pay any estate tax;
  • Reducing the number of income tax brackets;
  • Doubling the amount of the standard deduction and eliminating the personal exemption; and
  • Ending the deduction for state and local taxes paid.

Read more at the link above




Wheel House Motorsports

Well-known member
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Nov 27, 2007
On a postive note we pretty much don't have to worry about any legislation passing as republican leaders in the house and senate don't seem to be able to draft a bill with any semblance of logic.
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