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How about our great President!!!

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Jan 15, 2010
For what it is worth, he requested this conversation be "off the record" prior to the remarks.
A rational person would be disappointed in the reporter for violating that trust, but no, let's hang a man for language used in what he thought to be a private conversation.

Well this guy sure isn't disappointed, guess he isn't rational. I've seen zero evidence that this was off the record, and zero push back from the administration that it was supposed to be. Even if it was it's still ridiculous and indefensible. And for the record, the substance of what he was saying is way way more disturbing than the fact that he talks like an uneducated teenager.

No reference to it being off the record here... http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/07/28/sanders-drives-to-put-out-scaramucci-tirade-fire.html. And according to the great leader these guys aren't fake news
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MODERATOR: Premium Member
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Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho

polaris dude

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Jun 5, 2009
Grand Junction, CO
Unfortunately healthcare has nothing to do with health. When you have a health problem that would be taken care of by a change in diet and excercise, yet the doctors just give you a pill to take. All the doctors want to do is write prescriptions. Eating healthy and excercise will make you heathy, not popping pills. Too many fat, lazy people in this country.

You are 100% correct. It is incredibly frustrating how many less prescriptions I would be doling out if people could just eat better and walk around the block a couple times. Literally every single person on those prescriptions has been told over and over lose weight, exercise, and eat right. The docs gotta write those prescriptions though because if they don't they are liable for old man jenkin's heart attack because he didn't have blood pressure meds or a statin to keep his cholesterol from clogging his arteries.

Until people wise up they gotta keep sending those scripts you can't blame docs for their patients' terrible lifestyle choices. But don't get me started on maintenance opioid prescribing... Some docs are so bad about it.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
After reading these replies, I'm starting to get the idea that a few of you don't really care for Trump.

He's extreme, in whatever way you want to paint extreme,good or bad.

Do you think that maybe the people elected someone this extreme because they had had enough of the liberal socialism shoved down their throats the last eight years? Hell, the past 24 years!

If the Hildabeast is the best candidate from the liberals, it was an easy choice.

Here's how we've gotten to the place where the country decided that we wanted someone this extreme......
Barrack Hussein Obama
Hillary Clinton
Harry Reid
Maxine Waters
Nancy Pelosi
Al Gore
Chuck Schumer
Debbie Wasserman
Al Franken
And so on and so on.

I would be happy with a lifetime of Trumps at the helm over any of the garbage that the liberals are churning out.
I believe I am like half of the country (the half that's working by the way), we've simply had enough of the liberal bulls#it.
If you can't see the good that Trump has done and trying to do, maybe you, just like those lisred above, are part of the problem?
Do you really want to be associated with those losers?


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
After reading these replies, I'm starting to get the idea that a few of you don't really care for Trump.

He's extreme, in whatever way you want to paint extreme,good or bad.

Do you think that maybe the people elected someone this extreme because they had had enough of the liberal socialism shoved down their throats the last eight years? Hell, the past 24 years!

If the Hildabeast is the best candidate from the liberals, it was an easy choice.

Here's how we've gotten to the place where the country decided that we wanted someone this extreme......
Barrack Hussein Obama
Hillary Clinton
Harry Reid
Maxine Waters
Nancy Pelosi
Al Gore
Chuck Schumer
Debbie Wasserman
Al Franken
And so on and so on.

I would be happy with a lifetime of Trumps at the helm over any of the garbage that the liberals are churning out.
I believe I am like half of the country (the half that's working by the way), we've simply had enough of the liberal bulls#it.
If you can't see the good that Trump has done and trying to do, maybe you, just like those lisred above, are part of the problem?
Do you really want to be associated with those losers?
This thread was about Donald Trump as a "great President" yet you ignore anything pointed out as not being great, or that a "great" President just wouldn't do in the first place. Your post reeks of exactly the kind of tribalism that is part of the extremist problem. It sounds like Trump could do literally anything short of becoming a Democrat, and you'd be fine with it. "Well at least he's not one of *them*"

Read the "main stream media" for the last 8 years, you'll find plenty of liberals criticising President Obama for various things. Many do not blindly follow. We are (all) somewhat at the mercy of a first-past-the-post voting system, which encourages a two-party system that gets more extreme over time.

But Congress used to work. The majority of this changed in the 90s with Gingrich, who decided to do everything he could to make the sitting president fail.

You make your list of despicable (in your opinion) democrats, but ignore all the republicans doing the same thing.

But rah rah rah, support your team, cause we can't move past that and see other people as people.

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Jan 15, 2010
After reading these replies, I'm starting to get the idea that a few of you don't really care for Trump.

He's extreme, in whatever way you want to paint extreme,good or bad.

Do you think that maybe the people elected someone this extreme because they had had enough of the liberal socialism shoved down their throats the last eight years? Hell, the past 24 years!

If the Hildabeast is the best candidate from the liberals, it was an easy choice.

Here's how we've gotten to the place where the country decided that we wanted someone this extreme......
Barrack Hussein Obama
Hillary Clinton
Harry Reid
Maxine Waters
Nancy Pelosi
Al Gore
Chuck Schumer
Debbie Wasserman
Al Franken
And so on and so on.

I would be happy with a lifetime of Trumps at the helm over any of the garbage that the liberals are churning out.
I believe I am like half of the country (the half that's working by the way), we've simply had enough of the liberal bulls#it.
If you can't see the good that Trump has done and trying to do, maybe you, just like those lisred above, are part of the problem?
Do you really want to be associated with those losers?

You really need to look past the partisan blinders and see what this great leader is doing. Last week he said something to the tune of " hey mafesto, I don't give a fu$k about your health care or financial well being, I'm just gonna step back and ensure 1/6 of the economy implodes because I can't get anyone to come up with the plan I promised everyone I had. Screw you guys, Im going golfing". If he actually facilitates the collapse of the health system (and that's exactly what he'd do by sitting back and ensuring it happens) 1929 will look like a picnic.

A real leader would know that he would actually have to be involved in the process other than threatening the people of Alaska etc. Might make sense at this point if he convened a panel of congress, senators, health care professionals, and maybe a representative or two from somewhere with a health system that actually works and the people like and get them to work TOGETHER to come up with a real workable plan. That's basic project management 101. He built buildings by threatening people with concrete shoes, don't kid yourself thinking otherwise. That isn't gonna work for a president.

You can name every politician you can think of as part of the problem regardless of party, McConnells policy of blind obstruction just to make Obama a one term president sure was good for everyone, he got a lot done.... but the people being sheep and following party lines no matter what without thinking for themselves and not being willing to look at the situation from the outside are the real problem.

I'm still not sure of all the great stuff you refer to? Just yesterday he told the cops to rough up suspects.... another "win" for sure.
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polaris dude

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jun 5, 2009
Grand Junction, CO
You really need to look past the partisan blinders and see what this great leader is doing. Last week he said something to the tune of " hey mafesto, I don't give a fu$k about your health care or financial well being, I'm just gonna step back and ensure 1/6 of the economy implodes because I can't get anyone to come up with the plan I promised everyone I had. Screw you guys, Im going golfing". If he actually facilitates the collapse of the health system (and that's exactly what he'd do by sitting back and ensuring it happens) 1929 will look like a picnic.

A real leader would know that he would actually have to be involved in the process other than threatening the people of Alaska etc. Might make sense at this point if he convened a panel of congress, senators, health care professionals, and maybe a representative or two from somewhere with a health system that actually works and the people like and get them to work TOGETHER to come up with a real workable plan. That's basic project management 101. He built buildings by threatening people with concrete shoes, don't kid yourself thinking otherwise. That isn't gonna work for a president.

You can name every politician you can think of as part of the problem regardless of party, McConnells policy of blind obstruction just to make Obama a one term president sure was good for everyone, he got a lot done.... but the people being sheep and following party lines no matter what without thinking for themselves and not being willing to look at the situation from the outside are the real problem.

I'm still not sure of all the great stuff you refer to? Just yesterday he told the cops to rough up suspects.... another "win" for sure.

To organize something so huge and all encompassing I hope they don't end up pushing something shoddy through for the sake of just getting things done. Insurance is complicated AF right now and insurance companies are dicking absolutely everyone over right now which is something that needs to be addressed BAD. Managed care is horrific and, at this point, insurance companies are the ones who dictate outpatient medical care because if they refuse to pay for the prescription and it winds up costing a patient $150+ there is no way in hell they are gonna pay it. So if a patient won't pay it obviously the doc has to switch to something else which is utterly insane that the pharm and doc have to waste the time to find a therapeutic equivalent med that the insurance will cover. Not to mention each insurance has different preferences too so what works for one doesn't work for another.

Futy Warington

Premium Member
Dec 6, 2007
Make sure to Tune in to "Big Brother" World Leader edition, Thursday at 9 PM EDT! }:p

In reviewing this post, I don't see how anyone could come to any conclusion other than that the current 2 party system in the US is not broken beyond repair.

Democrats flatter themselves to think they're liberal & Republicans flatter themselves to think they're conservative. 2 sides of the same coin. They're both products of the yo-yo that's been going on since time immemorial. People who believe their parents grow up to be republicans & people who believe the schools grow up to be democrats. And they keep churning on this *(&^%&^% conveyor belt.

<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:LatentStyles DefLockedState="false" LatentStyleCount="156"> </w:LatentStyles> </xml><![endif]--><!--[if !mso]><object classid="clsid:38481807-CA0E-42D2-BF39-B33AF135CC4D" id=ieooui></object> <style> st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } </style> <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 10]> <style> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} </style> <![endif]--> Trump didn't run for president to make a difference, or for the little guy, or for 'merica. Trump ran for president so he could run "Apprentice America." I'm just waiting for him to start televising his firings of his cabinet members. "Mr. Sessions, you know what this means? You're fired." Think of the millions (billions) of viewers he'd have? Someone should build a wall around Mr. Trump. Drop Putin, Assad, Meduro & Kim Jong Un in with him just to make it interesting. OOOH!! World leader edition of "BIG BROTHER."

Didn't Vote For Trump. Didn't vote for Clinton. Or Obama, or Bush. The deck is stacked against common sense, and against the little guy. The government uses small businesses as their de facto Tax collectors. If you have any doubts about that, try running a small business.

The healthcare system needs to be either completely dismantled, or completely taken over for it to be affordable & "fair." Neither is going to happen in the partisan mess that is Washington in bed with Healthcare & Pharmaceutical companies.

There's my rant. Take it or leave it.

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Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
Just another day in life our Reality TV president we have. Stay tuned to next weeks episode to find out. Will trump move forward on his Tax cuts for the rich now that his healthcare plan failed? Will he bomb North Korea? Will he give back Russian mansions to his Bro Putin? these and more questions will be answered or will they?? stay tuned to your TV boys and girls to find out
Jan 15, 2010
Jan 15, 2010
Our great President Trump is giving a great speech right now in Huntington, WV!

Maybe if he spent a little more time actually working on issues like health care and tax reform and less time sucking his own co$k at his 7th campaign rally in 6 months you'd actually have some reason to refer to him as "great".

I laughed so hard at the transcripts of those phone calls to Mexico and Australia, he sounded like a complete fool begging the Mexican president to stop saying he wouldn't pay for the wall in public as it was hurting him politically. Great leadership there. He just straight up sounded like a raving meth addict in the call to Aus.

You guys should be way more concerned about the content of the leaks than the fact that this leaked, it was mostly public knowledge anyway
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