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How about our great President!!!

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Napoleon, ND
I would say there is a strong probability that if a libtard was president and was doing the exact same thing Trump is now, the accolades from the left would be endless.

Wheel House Motorsports

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
I would say that anyone who believes that they are great enough to run this country is probably also a narcissist. We can all agree that barrack osama is.

I would agree at some level, although, all of the best leaders in our history tend to be a little more on the humble side.

My point was being, a little narcassism can be helpful, Donald just goes a little overboard, or all the way. Like his complete inability to own up to the fact that the current healthcare bill sucks a fat dick and that is why it wont pass, and he might need to lend a productive helping hand not just complain about things, or golf.

And doing a great job? Like throwing the rest of the gov't under the bus in front of a crowd of teenagers? Super classy. Very mature. "Arrogance: A narcissist who is feeling deflated may "reinflate" their sense of self-importance by diminishing, debasing, or degrading somebody else." Nothing says how tough you are like talking trash to a bunch of kids, show them how tough you really are. More like since he is constantly deflating, he is ALWAYS cutting other people down in his Twitter rants to try and keep his leaky ego full.

I would say there is a strong probability that if a libtard was president and was doing the exact same thing Trump is now, the accolades from the left would be endless.

This is resoundingly accurate, each side has its blindly faithful fan base. Sheep come in a number of colors, or (R), (D) designations in this case. I would be equally as critical of someone doing something no matter the designation. Lets not make this about 'what if' someone else was running the show, they are not, at least for now.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I would agree at some level, although, all of the best leaders in our history tend to be a little more on the humble side.

Like his complete inability to own up to the fact that the current healthcare bill sucks a fat dick and that is why it wont pass, and he might need to lend a productive helping hand not just complain about things, or golf.

Here's my take on him and the healthcare bill.....
I don't think that he's interested in it enough. I think he wants to move on to issues that do interest him (like tax reform) so bad that he just pushes to pass whatever bill happens to be offered up at the time.

Republicans won, because they promised to REPEAL osamacare, not reform it. 2018 could be tough for republicans after breaking that promise.
And Trump should clarify that very sentiment.
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Jan 15, 2010
Here's my take on him and the healthcare bill.....
I don't think that he's interested in it enough. I think he wants to move on to issues that do interest him (like tax reform) so bad that he just pushes to pass whatever bill happens to be offered up at the time.

Republicans won, because they promised to REPEAL osamacare, not reform it. 2018 could be tough for republicans after breaking that promise.
And Trump should clarify that very sentiment.

So how does that mean that he "is doing a great job"? Not caring about 1/6 of the economy and the one item that likely has more impact on most people's personal finances than any other and he isn't interested in it and wants to move toward a tax cut for the rich? Have you even seen his tax plan? Willing to sign whatever in order to move onto what interested him? "I've got a bigly wonderful health plan that covers all at a low cost that will be implemented on day 1". Great job alright.
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Wheel House Motorsports

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
Here's my take on him and the healthcare bill.....
I don't think that he's interested in it enough. I think he wants to move on to issues that do interest him (like tax reform) so bad that he just pushes to pass whatever bill happens to be offered up at the time.

I would agree that he has lost interest in it, but for a different reason. I would wager that he has lost interest as it has become somewhat of a black eye on him and the GOP (which he hardly can be associated with). He didn't get his quick sweeping victory to beat on his chest about how bigly he did health care. Now he just wants to sweep it under the rug and move forward and blame some other people for its failure. I mean, who really cares about healthcare, its not even that big of a deal......:face-icon-small-dis

I see this whole transgender military thing as a way to move our attention away from the trash fire that is the health care debacle. This way it can either fizzle out or something that nobody noticed will get voted through.
Jan 15, 2010
I would say there is a strong probability that if a libtard was president and was doing the exact same thing Trump is now, the accolades from the left would be endless.

I can't speak for everyone but I guarantee you I'd be calling out anyone regardless of party who acted like this buffoon. The fact that you guys put party before fact and common sense is one of the biggest problems ya have.
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Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
the title to this thread should be changed to "How about our great president's ability to distract from whats important" And Scaramucci/Conway.... Go Team!!!! Politics is NO place for Ethics. Ethics just get in the way of getting things done. Everyone knows the greatest minds and most influential people of our time are the most unethical people around


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
Come on!!! James cut them some slack at age 54 and 71 they are all new at this game of politics they will get the hang of it. At least my sources are telling me this. for full transparency those sources are Sinclair Broadcasting and their local affiliates


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
the title to this thread should be changed to "How about our great president's ability to distract from whats important" And Scaramucci/Conway.... Go Team!!!! Politics is NO place for Ethics. Ethics just get in the way of getting things done. Everyone knows the greatest minds and most influential people of our time are the most unethical people around

I get your sarcasm, but there's some truth in that.

polaris dude

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Jun 5, 2009
Grand Junction, CO
I will stand by my statement. You must be in the medical field. Doctors can fix a broken leg just fine. Have them try and diagnose a disease, well good luck, and I have had plenty of experience with friends and family. I really don't blame doctors. They are brainwashed in college and then bribed by the pharmaceutical companies. There are a few good ones but the majority suck. And I'll take natural medicine way before the crap with three pages of side effects that still doesn't help you.

I'm in pharmacy so I understand how insurance works. You can stand by your ignorant statement all you like that doesn't mean you have a single clue how billing works. I will say though it is a huge fking mess and if we could make it somewhat simple again it would result in a lot less man hours and headaches at many different levels.

And to your 2nd point do what works for you. At this time there isn't any alternative to doctors diagnosing things. I'm not sure what part of their college education you think is brainwashing though? Or how pharmaceutical companies are bribing doctors 1 lunch at a time LOL


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
This is awesome... you couldn't make this sh!t up.


Note the source, according to the great leader this is NOT fake news...

I can't wait to hear the justification for how this is ok...

I'm an adult, so some naughty words don't hurt my feelings.
That said, I would imagine that he will improve his efforts to filter his words in the future.
The fact that this is a big "GOTCHA" story for the lefty libbies proves how they will grasp for any straw available to push the negative narrative.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Napoleon, ND
I'm in pharmacy so I understand how insurance works. You can stand by your ignorant statement all you like that doesn't mean you have a single clue how billing works. I will say though it is a huge fking mess and if we could make it somewhat simple again it would result in a lot less man hours and headaches at many different levels.

And to your 2nd point do what works for you. At this time there isn't any alternative to doctors diagnosing things. I'm not sure what part of their college education you think is brainwashing though? Or how pharmaceutical companies are bribing doctors 1 lunch at a time LOL

Unfortunately healthcare has nothing to do with health. When you have a health problem that would be taken care of by a change in diet and excercise, yet the doctors just give you a pill to take. All the doctors want to do is write prescriptions. Eating healthy and excercise will make you heathy, not popping pills. Too many fat, lazy people in this country.
Jan 15, 2010
I'm an adult, so some naughty words don't hurt my feelings.
That said, I would imagine that he will improve his efforts to filter his words in the future.
The fact that this is a big "GOTCHA" story for the lefty libbies proves how they will grasp for any straw available to push the negative narrative.

You are a ****ing paranoid schizophrenic, quit trying to suck your own ****.

Sure is awesome to talk to each other like that now that it's totally ok and acceptable, seeing as those are the exact words from the presidents spokesman.

This isn't about left and right, it's about common decency and expecting those in charge to be in control of their emotions.

The point I'm making that you keep failing to grasp is that following this guy blindly and accepting whatever comes out of the swamp regardless of morals, ethics, facts, etc is the definition of hypocrisy. dont abandon your principles for this clown. Donny really could shoot someone and you'd still want to suck his co$k but likely it'll be the mooch who does the shooting.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
I'm an adult, so some naughty words don't hurt my feelings.
That said, I would imagine that he will improve his efforts to filter his words in the future.
The fact that this is a big "GOTCHA" story for the lefty libbies proves how they will grasp for any straw available to push the negative narrative.

You don't think it's an issue that the President's team is more interested in tearing each other apart looking for his approval than they are in doing anything useful?

Wheel House Motorsports

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
You don't think it's an issue that the President's team is more interested in tearing each other apart looking for his approval than they are in doing anything useful?
Just when you think this trash fire of an administration can't do anything more monumentally stupid... Enter "the mooch".

Its really incredible. Its like trump is running a reality show and he is only concerned with higher ratings. When people fail to act like children, he replaces them with even bigger characters.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Just when you think this trash fire of an administration can't do anything more monumentally stupid... Enter "the mooch".

Its really incredible. Its like trump is running a reality show and he is only concerned with higher ratings. When people fail to act like children, he replaces them with even bigger characters.
But hey, libtards are mad, so there.

Sent from my VS987 using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
For what it is worth, he requested this conversation be "off the record" prior to the remarks.
A rational person would be disappointed in the reporter for violating that trust, but no, let's hang a man for language used in what he thought to be a private conversation.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
For what it is worth, he requested this conversation be "off the record" prior to the remarks.
A rational person would be disappointed in the reporter for violating that trust, but no, let's hang a man for language used in what he thought to be a private conversation.

What talk-radio host told you that?


"I didn’t want to post the piece until I had a chance to talk to him. In that conversation Anthony made 100 percent clear to me, ‘Look I understand that interview was not off the record, totally within your rights to publish it.’ ”


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
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