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How about our great President!!!

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Apr 22, 2010
Would you have rather had Hillary Clinton as President ? Now the option is this life long politician that goes down a bunny trail so far that the fox looses interest , is that witty or just lost ?

Talk to a real finance person about what's going on in this country and they will tell you the hurt hasn't even begun yet and if the representative for the Democratic party gets in it's going to collapse . When it comes down to it the numbers speak , not the parties . The Presidents seat is just that , a seat . It's the people around the president that matter .

The media asks the same stupid questions over and over , the only difference is they keep asking them from different angles .


Well-known member
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Apr 10, 2019
Idaho falls
Would you have rather had Hillary Clinton as President ? Now the option is this life long politician that goes down a bunny trail so far that the fox looses interest , is that witty or just lost ?

Talk to a real finance person about what's going on in this country and they will tell you the hurt hasn't even begun yet and if the representative for the Democratic party gets in it's going to collapse . When it comes down to it the numbers speak , not the parties . The Presidents seat is just that , a seat . It's the people around the president that matter .

The media asks the same stupid questions over and over , the only difference is they keep asking them from different angles .

Everyone should listen to the recent joe rogan episode with peter schiff for a capitalist viewfrom someone who’s been frighteningly accurate in the past.


Well-known member
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Apr 10, 2019
Idaho falls
Joe Rogan was also 100% Bernie for president.........pass
That’s laughable, so laughable. Definitely not 100% Bernie for president. Even if that was true, And that makes you ignore him as a source of information, perspective and one of the best platforms for long form interview discussion, well then you’re kind of a lost cause anyway. There is no better discussion happening in the media world and he is mostly unrivaled as an interviewer. But sure, strap on the blinders, pass will serve you well for a misguided opinion.


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Aug 30, 2011
That’s laughable, so laughable. Definitely not 100% Bernie for president. Even if that was true, And that makes you ignore him as a source of information, perspective and one of the best platforms for long form interview discussion, well then you’re kind of a lost cause anyway. There is no better discussion happening in the media world and he is mostly unrivaled as an interviewer. But sure, strap on the blinders, pass will serve you well for a misguided opinion.
Joe Rogan Says He's Voting for Bernie

Its almost as if i watch his shows, lost cause.....

turboless terry

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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
I wouldn't listen to anyone that would vote for Bernie Sanders. If you say the same things over and over, and they're wrong, it's still wrong. The left's playbook does work for stupid people apparently. Repeat stuff over and over until people believe it. That is what i would call misguided.


Well-known member
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Apr 10, 2019
Idaho falls
Joe Rogan Says He's Voting for Bernie

Its almost as if i watch his shows, lost cause.....

Date and time stamp, that’s over 6 months old. Things change.

and if you’re not willing to listen to him talk to someone openly about a topic, because of who he might vote for? You are the problem. That’s full blown willful ignorance on display. So much for open minds and informed opinions. Echo chambers are real and the problem.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Apr 22, 2010
Everyone should listen to the recent joe rogan episode with peter schiff for a capitalist viewfrom someone who’s been frighteningly accurate in the past.

Just look it up and forget about names and listen to the conversation , it's about this country and the hurt that's coming . Our debt didn't go down , you might like to know who gets the credit for it . The president fought this from the beginning and he's loosing ground , the Dems, Covid and BLM are tanking the economy and are having a blast at the expense of this country by relentlessly pushing , give an inch take a mile .

Our Democratic mayor issued a proclamation of addition emergency order EO-14 , businesses are screwed , employees are enforcing this as a law on their employers .

These government employees collect a check and aren't worried , they know what's happening long before the minions even catch wind .

This BS has been going on since the beginning of Covid and it hasn't slowed down , if anything it's getting it's second wind .

Employees are holding employers accountable by guilt , fear and the list goes on. Unemployment will be going up in the near future . pretty pathetic and sickening to believe people think so highly of themselves that they can't be replaced or the position no longer needed . Businesses will have no option but to severe ties even though any good business knows the worst thing you can do is close the doors no matter what .

turboless terry

Well-known member
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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Date and time stamp, that’s over 6 months old. Things change.

and if you’re not willing to listen to him talk to someone openly about a topic, because of who he might vote for? You are the problem. That’s full blown willful ignorance on display. So much for open minds and informed opinions. Echo chambers are real and the problem.
Life too short to waste my time. Who people vote for, this fall, says a lot. Complete opposites. Kind of like a serial killer. I don't need to know why when it's wrong.


Well-known member
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Apr 10, 2019
Idaho falls
Life too short to waste my time. Who people vote for, this fall, says a lot. Complete opposites. Kind of like a serial killer. I don't need to know why when it's wrong.

you realize the long form discussion *IS NOT* about the interviewer, but about the interviewee? Talk about everything wrong with the world today, open your mind for cryin out loud. That’s pathetic on your part.
May 2, 2013
Lives matter less than ratings and the big orange baby's popularity



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Feb 27, 2008
You certainly have a knack for living up to your self chosen username.

Didn't that esteemed Dr Fauchi guy and his swampmate Dr Birx predict a ~2,000,000 death count publicly not many months ago?

Maybe the experts need to cook the stats MORE! YEAH, THATS THE PROBLEM!

Seems like you are another fan of revisionist history to suit your needs.

Hell, at this point I think any breathing person with access to spin wheels labeled with random numbers and seemingly educated and caring precautions and methods could have come up with numbers that the esteemed "experts" have come up with.

The local tv station weatherman probably has a better record than these two esteemed experts, and the weatherman is just reading script from the NWS.

Do I think any of this will register with you? Absolutely, not a CHANCE!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 30, 2010
Meridian, ID
and if you’re not willing to listen to him talk to someone openly about a topic, because of who he might vote for? You are the problem. That’s full blown willful ignorance on display. So much for open minds and informed opinions. Echo chambers are real and the problem.

This is why I rescinded my membership in the republican party and won't ever belong to a political party again. To much shouting and facebook memes, not enough common sense.
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