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How about our great President!!!

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Jan 15, 2010
Or...........maybe, just maybe you are wrong, and he is in fact the greatest President we've had in a long, long time.
Yea, whipping his a$$ with the constitution today sure makes him great. I mean, who needs separation of powers, co-equal branches of government and all that garbage? There is no constitutional requirement for anything that he is whining about in the manner that the house is conducting their inquiry-saying they should just vote now is like saying screw the grand jury in a murder investigation, just vote if they are guilty before knowing the facts. Look it up somewhere other than fox or brietbart, the law is clear as day.

Wasn’t there a war in about 1776 to boot a king out and create the type of co-equal government you guys are supposedly so proud of? Now you want to just bend over and give all the power to one guy just cause he pisses off libr’l’s?? Be very very careful what you wish for.


Most handsome
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Feb 16, 2008
yakima, wa.
Yea, whipping his a$$ with the constitution today sure makes him great. I mean, who needs separation of powers, co-equal branches of government and all that garbage? There is no constitutional requirement for anything that he is whining about in the manner that the house is conducting their inquiry-saying they should just vote now is like saying screw the grand jury in a murder investigation, just vote if they are guilty before knowing the facts. Look it up somewhere other than fox or brietbart, the law is clear as day.

Wasn’t there a war in about 1776 to boot a king out and create the type of co-equal government you guys are supposedly so proud of? Now you want to just bend over and give all the power to one guy just cause he pisses off libr’l’s?? Be very very careful what you wish for.
JTK, i believe u r a smart person, i agree with some of what u r saying but i honestly can't understand why u r so against Trump.

U and i both can see how crazy the Dems are acting. Don't try to deny that or argue it, i will lose all respect for u....

U are arguing against Trump over hearsay yet not arguing against Hillary over actual facts with proof of wrong doing.
That is a double standard. U r biased, not sure y?

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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
JTK, i believe u r a smart person, i agree with some of what u r saying but i honestly can't understand why u r so against Trump.

U and i both can see how crazy the Dems are acting. Don't try to deny that or argue it, i will lose all respect for u....

U are arguing against Trump over hearsay yet not arguing against Hillary over actual facts with proof of wrong doing.
That is a double standard. U r biased, not sure y?

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There's no doubt in my mind that JTK is simply doing his part to keep the thread interesting, and I appreciate that. He's being far more civil than most true anti-Trumpers on social media.
And yes, like you, I feel he's intelligent enough to know better than to buy into what he's selling.
Jan 15, 2010
JTK, i believe u r a smart person, i agree with some of what u r saying but i honestly can't understand why u r so against Trump.

U and i both can see how crazy the Dems are acting. Don't try to deny that or argue it, i will lose all respect for u....

U are arguing against Trump over hearsay yet not arguing against Hillary over actual facts with proof of wrong doing.
That is a double standard. U r biased, not sure y?

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Your politics are absolutely fu$ked on both sides... however I have to completely disagree with you on proven wrong doing on Hillary vs trump. First of all she isn’t president so what does she really matter anyway?. Second she had the guts to show up and get grilled for 13 hours over Benghazi as just one example by none other than Donny’s latest lawyer-If Donny is so innocent and perfect why won’t he even let his minions show up?? Because he has something to hide...

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if Hillary or Biden for that matter are sooooo guilty then absolutely bring them before the law thru the proper channels. It’s not that hard, bring it on or stop lying, one of the two.

Donny on the other hand-he admitted exactly what they are going after him for. Hearsay? I read the summary of that phone call that they certainly cleansed before they issued it and it still says exactly what the so called “hearsay” said. That’s not what some talking head told me, that’s the conclusion I drew after reading the material. Now he just tries to say “I did it, so what”. There is nothing in the constitution or in any law that says the impeachment path the dems are taking is wrong or illegal. Is it exactly the way they went after Clinton? No. Have the rules of the house changed since then? Yes. Look it up somewhere other than fox.

How can I not be against someone who in their great and unmatched wisdom left the Kurds who were absolutely instrumental in setting ISIS back (notice I didn’t say defeat?) to be slaughtered by the Turks and had the gall to justify it because “they didn’t help us at Normandy”??? How the heck can someone intelligent enough to find their way out of bed in the morning support this jacka$$?? Yes getting into wars in the Middle East was stupid and yes getting out will be good, but ya gotta finish what ya started and not totally screw those that helped you along the way.

Do any of you wonder what was actually said on the phone call with the president of turkey? Sure seems like someone’s got Donny by the mushroom...


Most handsome
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Feb 16, 2008
yakima, wa.
Your politics are absolutely fu$ked on both sides... however I have to completely disagree with you on proven wrong doing on Hillary vs trump. First of all she isn’t president so what does she really matter anyway?. Second she had the guts to show up and get grilled for 13 hours over Benghazi as just one example by none other than Donny’s latest lawyer-If Donny is so innocent and perfect why won’t he even let his minions show up?? Because he has something to hide...

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if Hillary or Biden for that matter are sooooo guilty then absolutely bring them before the law thru the proper channels. It’s not that hard, bring it on or stop lying, one of the two.

Donny on the other hand-he admitted exactly what they are going after him for. Hearsay? I read the summary of that phone call that they certainly cleansed before they issued it and it still says exactly what the so called “hearsay” said. That’s not what some talking head told me, that’s the conclusion I drew after reading the material. Now he just tries to say “I did it, so what”. There is nothing in the constitution or in any law that says the impeachment path the dems are taking is wrong or illegal. Is it exactly the way they went after Clinton? No. Have the rules of the house changed since then? Yes. Look it up somewhere other than fox.

How can I not be against someone who in their great and unmatched wisdom left the Kurds who were absolutely instrumental in setting ISIS back (notice I didn’t say defeat?) to be slaughtered by the Turks and had the gall to justify it because “they didn’t help us at Normandy”??? How the heck can someone intelligent enough to find their way out of bed in the morning support this jacka$$?? Yes getting into wars in the Middle East was stupid and yes getting out will be good, but ya gotta finish what ya started and not totally screw those that helped you along the way.

Do any of you wonder what was actually said on the phone call with the president of turkey? Sure seems like someone’s got Donny by the mushroom...
U are completely biased.
Ofcourse u concluded that trump's call was bad. U had already made that decision before reading the transcript. Just like Pro trumpster's will read it the other way.

Just like laws are written, left to interpretation. Each person can and will read it differently, to net the result they wish to achieve.

What i am typing, u are not reading it the way i intended but interpreting it to ur own view.

Weird huh....

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Jan 15, 2010
U are completely biased.
Ofcourse u concluded that trump's call was bad. U had already made that decision before reading the transcript. Just like Pro trumpster's will read it the other way.

Just like laws are written, left to interpretation. Each person can and will read it differently, to net the result they wish to achieve.

What i am typing, u are not reading it the way i intended but interpreting it to ur own view.

Weird huh....

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Um, yea, ok... so exactly what part of that summary of the call that they released (notice I didn’t call it a transcript cause it isn’t one) refutes the whistleblower statement and makes it seem like hearsay? When I read it I fully expected it to say exactly the opposite and was quite surprised when my actual reaction was “how the heck could they be stupid enough to release that and claim innocence “

Call me biased all ya want but I’m calling a spade a spade... like I said how many times- go after Hillary and Biden to the fullest extent of the law if there’s something there... Donnys crappy lawyers buddies getting arrested leaving the country on one way tickets for exactly the issue that Donny has been investigated for a couple hours after having lunch with rudy at Donny’s hotel? And Donny says he doesn’t know them but there’s images of Donny with them and Facebook posts of the two guys that got arrested thanking Donny for the “great dinner and even better conversation “... looks like the witch hunt got a few more witches. I’m curious how you trumpies are gonna spin that one away...
Mar 8, 2019
Um, yea, ok... so exactly what part of that summary of the call that they released (notice I didn’t call it a transcript cause it isn’t one) refutes the whistleblower statement and makes it seem like hearsay? When I read it I fully expected it to say exactly the opposite and was quite surprised when my actual reaction was “how the heck could they be stupid enough to release that and claim innocence “

Call me biased all ya want but I’m calling a spade a spade... like I said how many times- go after Hillary and Biden to the fullest extent of the law if there’s something there... Donnys crappy lawyers buddies getting arrested leaving the country on one way tickets for exactly the issue that Donny has been investigated for a couple hours after having lunch with rudy at Donny’s hotel? And Donny says he doesn’t know them but there’s images of Donny with them and Facebook posts of the two guys that got arrested thanking Donny for the “great dinner and even better conversation “... looks like the witch hunt got a few more witches. I’m curious how you trumpies are gonna spin that one away...

Go after Hilary and Biden? That’s laughable No one gets in trouble for anything unless they’re associated with trump. Just embrace trump and roll with it you’ll enjoy the next 5 years a whole lot more if you do.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Regarding last night's debate, if you had to pick someone from that group other than our great President Trump to be our next President, which one would you choose?
Jan 15, 2010
Go after Hilary and Biden? That’s laughable No one gets in trouble for anything unless they’re associated with trump. Just embrace trump and roll with it you’ll enjoy the next 5 years a whole lot more if you do.
With a lap dog like Barr as AG and Donny in control of the executive branch they sure as he!l could go after them thru the proper channels if there was actually anything there. Don’t give me any of Donny’s whiney BS about him being such a victim-he is the freakin president for crying out loud. The reason everyone associated with Donny is getting arrested is the simple fact that they actually broke the law...

I’ve got more self respect than it takes to believe and embrace someone who lies constantly and totally relies on the sheeple believing whatever tripe he spews.
Mar 8, 2019
With a lap dog like Barr as AG and Donny in control of the executive branch they sure as he!l could go after them thru the proper channels if there was actually anything there. Don’t give me any of Donny’s whiney BS about him being such a victim-he is the freakin president for crying out loud. The reason everyone associated with Donny is getting arrested is the simple fact that they actually broke the law...

I’ve got more self respect than it takes to believe and embrace someone who lies constantly and totally relies on the sheeple believing whatever tripe he spews.
Are you trying to tell me trump is the only liar in the group? Donny’s associates are the only ones breaking the law? Every last one of them is full of **** and very few of the are held accountable for any illegal activity they’re involved in. If Donny had 33,000 emails just disappear DC would explode and charges would be brought against anyone and everyone involved. You could take that “self respect” line of yours and stick Obama in there and works just the same.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
JTK, which of the Democrats in that debate would you choose?
Serious question.
Myself? Probably Gabbard or Steyer.
Jan 15, 2010
Are you trying to tell me trump is the only liar in the group? Donny’s associates are the only ones breaking the law? Every last one of them is full of **** and very few of the are held accountable for any illegal activity they’re involved in. If Donny had 33,000 emails just disappear DC would explode and charges would be brought against anyone and everyone involved. You could take that “self respect” line of yours and stick Obama in there and works just the same.
Enough about Hillary’s stupid freakin emails-according to fox (trump) news TODAY there was nothing criminal about the infamous emails-here is a direct quote that I just copied out of their headline article:”There was no “persuasive evidence” of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information, according to the report.”.

I agree that there are liars throughout politics but no one has been within an order of magnitude of fat Nixon for decades.

I find it quite funny that Donny and co are all the sudden so concerned about corruption in other governments any all his followers jump on the bandwagon, then in the next breath he issues himself a YUGE government contract to hold the G7 at his resort. Do any of you even know what corruption in government is? Cause that’s the definition of it. He says he isn’t profiting from it-you believe that and I’ll get ya in on the fresh 600 miles of border wall I’m selling.
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