Oh i fully expect this to go nowhere and calling it grandstanding is an easy call since everyone knows this will go no where in the senate. When you consider that they could not impeach Clinton with both the house and senate controlled by the republicans and he was a democrat. All i am saying is the optics on this don't look very good especially heading into an election year. the only thing i am getting popcorn is just to watch how the republican are going to spin this for the general public and not come off like complete idiots. You have Giuliani the crazy lawyer who comes off looking like a moron but is able to get out in front of the story by acting like he accidentally spelled the beans on national TV then turns around and acts like he never said anything. Follow this by the president who does the same thing with a twist. He says even though he didn't do it even if he did there is nothing wrong with it. He then walks that back by saying that he never said that. Then you have the Media Blizz with Fox news with every personallity on the channel saying the it all Joe Biden's fault and Trump is completely innocent and is the best President we ever have. So like i said not betting anything just watching to see how this all plays out.