I know and understand everyone is itching for first hand reviews...I would be too. I cannot offer that yet.
My new HM 2013 showed up in Revelstoke with me out of country today
My friends - well earned skeptics - went on my behalf to; both ride early season Revelstoke powder, and, BREAK my new sled and bring it home in pieces (I don’t mean break it in, I mean BREAK).
I am proud to say they didn’t break a thing...but there were numerous a reason inhibiting their plans; ie. Snow depth (too deep for even these soldiers) and Polaris belt break-in necessities etc.
the one overriding response I have heard from them is their trumpeting that the workmanship and overall running of the machine was beyond belief.
"Beyond belief?" you ask?
Brash, promotional print?...no...Santa is unbelievable,
My new sled is apparently not..
On Snowest I have seen some of the slickest machines ever devised...and I hasten to add that this is not hyperbole nor an attempt at friend mongering.
Some of you guys have the ability and the time to build some VERY amazing machines off of stock platforms. The detail to perfection astounds me. I do NOT have that time, patience, nor ability to do so.
The word back from my mates whom were present at Sugar Bowl yesterday (HM Turbo Day’s), and who picked up my sled on my behalf was VERY positive, to say the least.
I know Shane to be a perfectionist. “How so” you ask? Because I went to one of his Turbo days, drove 9 hours to do so and went home with one of his sleds.
To reiterate some obvious points, I am not an employee and not a paid friend.
Simply, from the pictures I saw of my new 2013 ViPec sled today, and the first hand reports I heard back of the quality of the build as well as the way it ran....well...give me 3 weeks to get home and I am pretty positive it’s going to be the best ride I’ve owned. This ViPec thingy will do more t]for humaity than Obama AND Allah combined.
Those who know me, know I aren't trumpeting nonsense (other than the Obama and Allah comments). Those who don’t will have take this diatribe for what they want...Eric?
Bottom line is, the sled has EVERTHING done that I wanted (Turbo'd with Intercooler, vented, suspension tuned for 240lbs, driveshaft upgrades [there's a driveshaft issue on theses sleds????] and so-on. All done in a very short timeframe.
The workmanship - both pictorially, as well as inspected by friends - looks incredible and the thing apparently runs like a cat on fire (no Arctic Cat pun intended…as AC is pun unto itself)
Siging out, and well smashed in Thailand