From my FB page the day my house burnt.
Ironically, this morning, a good friend on the fire dept. got me access to pick up a prescription I had forgotten at my house. Was also a good chance to toss the rotting food out of the fridge and give the plants a shot of water. Everyone was acting like it was over and that everything was going to be back to normal soon. I wanted to believe, but I knew the forecast. RED flag winds, record heat... and 0 humidity for the next three days! Then the wind started cranking up (as it is likely to do for weeks at a time, not just a few days!)
Today, Sheep Mtn. was a smoldering beast just waiting to be given some air. Air it was the tune of 30 to 40 MPH! The fire hit the heavily timbered north slope and took a direct bead on my neighborhood. I can only imagine how fast the firefighers got the F out of the way! And rightly so. There was nothing our brave men and women could do in the face of that monster. Aircraft were impotent against it. The winds and smoke were more than they could deal with.
As I packed up my camper, I watched it grow from my perch near Manhead Mtn, a few miles away. I visited a boulder pile that gave me a clear view of Sheep Mtn. Sheep Mtn was somewhere in a haze of smoke and I new the beast had got it's break and was running with it. Within 45 minutes it was already well past my house and bearing down on the Hewlett Gulch subdivisions. On the way out I pulled over just before McNeigh hill where I knew I could see my house on Green Mtn. All I saw was a wall of smoke and flame with fleeting glimpses of my blackened hill in the background. I still wasn't sure my house was gone, but my head said it likely was.
It was 9 news video of my hill that confirmed what I thought was so. I broke down for awhile, then got on the phone with my friends and neighbors. I'm not all that religious and I'm not sure what it's all about, but I feel I share a spirtitual bond with my brothers and sisters who try to walk a righteous path in this world. I pray in my own way, but maybe not like most people do. I pray for my good friends that lost their homes today, that they get through this and go on stronger than ever. I feel privaledged to know the people I call friends; they are the finest kind of people you'll ever meet. Quite a few lost their retirement homes and just as many were still in their working years and scrimped and scraped to get their home on the mountain. I've come to find out I know a lot of very fine people during these last few weeks. I always knew this, but their support brought it home again. Thankyou for your moral support, you have no idea how much it means to know you care.
Great thanks to the fire-fighters who did their damndest! You guys did all you could and everyone owes you a great debt of gratitude. In the end, Ma nature is going to have her due and there was no stopping her today. Second guess all ya want, we'd have been burnt out a week ago if it was'nt for the fire-fighters heroic efforts. Keep up the good fight!