Forget the money, just bring your best self
Duddin, and Utah -
I'll just sincerely say an apology for my unintentional hand in being inflammatory. I am sorry for that. I'll own it, straight up - it's the wrong thing to do, basically, and I did inflame with some prejudicial bigotry.
By way of insight rather than defense, I will add that even though Revpilot doesn't say ALL people from Utah are this, or All people from Utah are THAT, an implication is readable. It's there I believe, because he was inflamed by actual circumstances (on more than one occasion, JUST with the firearms) and his human mind did a thing. It did a thing that we all do, and associated experience and observations with events (with things like license plates) and if Duddin will be so kind as to introspect a little on this point - associated observations over the years with something mentioned in the post quoted below, to paraphrase:
' Duddin knows a lot of people from here with cabins up there.....'
Exactly. People "up there" realize this. Perhaps it's partly a "city folk thing" and "alot of people from "there" coming up "here" just to "get away from IT ALL" - and when they arrive, they really cut loose. Maybe SOME of them get out of hand (which is of course a relative and subjective thing) and forget that locals enjoy respect when they get it, and don't enjoy a lack of it when that happens. Tolerance stacking - it adds up over the years. So does the good stuff, like new friendly people you may meet from time to time.
My point is - I apologize for my part in being offensive, if offense was taken even if not intentionally offered. People who know me would describe me as "nice," but on the forums you are only known to the community here by what you say and how you say it. Welcome Utah Cabin Owners. Please regard the area better than you might regard your local neighborhoods back home, and have a great time while you are in IP.
I speak for myself and no other man or woman. I stand for it too - just ask the captured trespasser work party members. If you can find them.......
Team Ruptured Buzzard
So anyone from utah that goes to I.P. is an idiot? I know a lot of people from here that have cabins up there me included but if you dont like all the money we are bringing in we could spend elsewhere.