Please forgive my absence from the forums for a bit, I've been on a "mission." Actually, I formed a special "work party" consisting of a gang of "innocent" trespassers, another bunch from the many found roaming the grounds at Team Ruptured Buzzards' secret research and development encampment, and this time I was ready for them. The new entrance gate project has been completed with labor supplied by kind, gentle, sweet and innocent folks who just happened to be trespassing, (through no fault of their own - they told me) and the locked gate is now fully constructed and new signage posted. Most of the laborers got the idea after prodding with the loud smoky end of my personal safety protection tool, and the work was done, like it or not. I gave them a few Cliff Bars and pointed the direction home, and booted them back off the property. So sad - none of this particular group had a map, could read a compass, look at travel restrictions or display much of any regard for property lines or what passes for common sense most places. They were last seen wandering about aimlessly toward the highway, probably performed a spectacular rollover on Federal Hill, Southbound - if they even made it that far. Some say, they are out there still...........
Seriously - sledders from ALL OVER are welcomed in Island Park, and even to the TRB private encampment. Please be invited though, and respect the property lines, ALL OVER - not just in Island Park - but everywhere and everybody. Sound good?
Time to reload and replace the batteries in my night vision systems, and check the out buildings for more "lost souls."
So many fools, and so little time........
Sandman said -
"were they all hangin out at stoveys oops can't believe i just typed that..."