Thank you were so nice
I won! thank you everybody who voted, no matter who you voted for

I really thing silly stuff like this keep up out of trouble during the off season, lol.
here's the link...
I have to say, I had been reading forums for awhile, not necessarily joining in cause I wasn't sure if anyone really wanted to hear me ramble. But my kids pushed me to stick my neck out and go for it.
I have met soooo many really GREAT people this week on this forum!
On the other side of the spectrum... on a different forum I finally signed up and posted and got completely mauled by a bunch of guys that were just flat out MEAN, needless to say, not gonna say anything over there again
It's kinda hard to hear someone's tone of voice when typing... I guess I came off as looking for pity... SO WRONG! I was just saying, no matter what, laugh and GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND HAVE FUN! lol
take care everyone and thanks again.... and thanks Slednecks for giving me something to do for the last two weeks, lol.