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Hay Days

If your looking for a place to eat before or after haydays my parents own a bar about 5 miles to the east on highway 95. Its called Cj's bar and grill, they have great food and cold beer! Stop by and check them out if you get a chance.
If your looking for a place to eat before or after haydays my parents own a bar about 5 miles to the east on highway 95. Its called Cj's bar and grill, they have great food and cold beer! Stop by and check them out if you get a chance.

Get some of the latest snowmobile vid's and have a "showing" time and advertise it here. Either Friday or Saturday night or both. Probably get some good business with that. I know some place always had a Thunderstruck showing during haydays but haven't seen it posted on here this year. Just a thought.
Snowest going to have a presense there or no? I thought I read a post from Christopher suggesting so...
We will be in the vendor section!! Looking forward to FINALLY doing Haydays.

Quite frankly I can't believe Sno Barons can pull this event off as UNORGANIZED as they are.

My rant:
Lets see.....wait until August to return my phone call and numerous emails. Get pissy with me when I call them back and ask to reserve my spot. Charge my credit card IMMEDIATELY but offer NO details as far as where we are, what time we can set up, confirmation number, power??, wireless internet?? etc....

The kicker....because it's now September EVERY ONE of the 5 hotels within a reasonable driving distance is FULL. Gates open at 7am from what I gather which means we will have to wake up at 4 a.m. to get to the show 1 hour before the show starts. AWESOME!!:Cry:

I'm done now.:face-icon-small-hap
I agree 100%! I experienced EVERY problem you just mentioned. They don't run a very tight ship.

That makes 3 of us. I've also experience EVERY problem you mentioned. They don't provide any details and are PISSY on the phone when you call to ask them a question.
Man Everyuone I talk to about vending at haydays says the same thing. How can a company survive with unacceptable customer service?

Anyway check us out inside the St Boni Motorsports Booth # EC 4,5, and 6. come see the new stuff.

Also come to the Thunderstruck Party Friday Night. We will be there.

Thank you,

Does anybody know if when you buy a swap spot they force you to buy two means you have one 20x20 spot for both days?

or you get 20x40 spot for both days?
This will be my first trip to Hay Days. Hope to meet some fellow snowesters and put a face to the name.
is it going to be super dusty??? and uneven grounds?.. the weather looks to be good at least!

It has been dusty is years past, but they have run around the main area's with a water truck. Kind of depends on the weather. As far as uneven grounds it's was not too bad for a mowed hayfield. But with this being the first year at the new place I'm not sure how the grounds will be.
i just remember last year was hotter than hot and dusty! but its like that just about every year... looks like rain for friday maybe that will keep the dust down! looks like cool temps!!
so its going to be very wet and nice weather tmw. 70%chance of rainning tonight and 20% for tmw but cloudy?
Hey KSH,

I can save you the trouble........He's not impressed with how the new location is coming along and he feels they should have more done at the new site at this point. No fences up yet and it looks like they are going to be a bit light on parking. Also there will be no selling outside the gates this year because of an ordinance passed against it. He has been going for 20 years (and makes a point to tell you) so take it how you want.

However after you read what he had to say he takes a jab at the Sno-Barons because they have a brand new club house on the property and then he says "but don’t ask to join". So it kind of makes his entire "review" seem like a bitter rant because they won't let him join.

But that is just what I got from the Google search of what he said.

Disclaimer; This is my opinion of what he said and while I could have copied his post word for word he obviously did not want it here so I didn’t. Haydays is the Sno-Barrons money maker and I don’t think anybody is expecting the first year at the new location to be perfect. But if it starts to get worse every year then people will just stop going (See Minneapolis Snowmobile show). But 5 weeks from today we will know exactly how it went and we can rant and rave all we want. But I think I’ll hold off judging them until after the event.;)

hmmm seems you jumped down my throat for nothing now eh???
I dont want MR Northsleddude changing my words so here is what I said.........I dont think this is something to get so pissy over but then again I see i twisted some people feathers!!!!!!!Moderator at that......you should loose any mod status you have as you are looking for arguments!!!!!!

its going to be a cluster fuwk.........not enough room!!!!its bigger place but has less usable room!!!!not even touched the track yet its waist high weeds still!!!!!the swaps are the lowest spot in the place if it rains its going to flood the swaps....the roads are super deep loose sand.....not a fence in site yet!!!!the parking lot they say every one has to park in is smaller than the old swap area!!!!and the lady who runs the place says their will be no out-side sales!!!!!the sheriff will be tagging any one who does!!!!!the had the county pass an ordinance to stop it!!!the P\k lot is a block or so away but they are going to have tractors and trailers to take you back and forth!!!!!!they will have them them inside to drive you around entire place just like a hay ride....but you cant ride it if you have any items that you bought.....Bam films is having a "how to ride out-west course"not sure what she ment but thats what she said........

the good news is...they have 4 beer tents....one at beginning of track one at end of track...one in the swaps and one by food court!!!!!

and my concern with this track is founded on the Idea that the old track had clay brought in with a Kentucky blue grass on top for traction...underwater sprinklers and all!!!!!!nothing at the new spot!!!!!!

and to touch on the joining the club!!!I sent another email today here what i had to say.......

message: "Hi I live in pine city and now that you are closer to our area i was woundering about joining the club and also like to help out at the events...how would i go about doing this?"

Here is what i got in return.........
"All new members need to be sponsored into the club by an exsisting member. We also limit our membership to 120 and keep a waiting list when that happens. We limit to 120 because it's hard to find places to stay when snowmobiling that can acomodate more than that.

disclaimer:::::sorry if this offends any of you!!!!!!!but it is my opinion!!!!

they need to let the locals have parking in fields and that would get people in faster and that just might solve all the problems.....
hmmm seems you jumped down my throat for nothing now eh???

I gave you some crap for not posting your full review on Snowest, just on BCR. So for that I think I was spot on. :face-icon-small-win

I did say that I would hold my thoughts until after the event and after going Saturday morning....... You nailed the parking problem, I have never seen a parking cluster like this. I have been at a ton of large events over the years and for them to screw this up this bad was incredible. It will be interesting to see what happens for next year as I have heard from some North Branch city and Police staff that are not happy and saw this coming.

I don't think going into Haydays this year the Snobarrons realized how much of an impact that all of the offsite parking had on the event at the old site. But I bet after all the bad publicity they got on the radio and TV they now know. When the lady talked to WCCO and said that they wanted the new site to be away from all those homes.........All those homes were the main parking resource for their event.

We were some of the lucky ones, got there very early. Got in with about an hour wait (lucky to only wait an hour? :face-icon-small-con). Then had a great time once inside. The inside still seamed to need some layout tweaking as some of the vendors were placed away from the main vendor area by the swaps. But overall I thought the "inside the gates" went pretty good for their first year at this location. I know a few of the vendors had some issues and since I did not sell in the swap meet this year I can't comment on that process.
they need to let the locals have parking in fields and that would get people in faster and that just might solve all the problems.....


But that was not a Snobarron call to make, that was a mistake by the City of North Branch. Wasn't the city charging resident's $480 to buy a conditional use permit to be able to have people park in their yard? What a joke!

But that was not a Snobarron call to make, that was a mistake by the City of North Branch. Wasn't the city charging resident's $480 to buy a conditional use permit to be able to have people park in their yard? What a joke!

snowbarons went to the city to pass it...I belive I said that in an earlier post
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