Here we go again...
Alright... where do we start...
Grooming was done, as many stated, on Friday night so Saturday morning the trails would be good to go. If you got there early on Saturday you had it made, if you didn't well you were parked down the road a ways and you rode whoops in and it just got worse as the day goes on. If you expect the grooming to hold up in warm temps against a few hundred sleds, you would be mistaken.
No grooming was done on Saturday night as it was not scheduled to be done on Saturday night. As far as scheduling goes....well we are at 3 days a week to make it through the season and that is because grooming fund dollars are lower than ever. Grooming fund dollars come from your sled registration fees. This years registrations fund next years grooming and this year we are at an all time low for sleds registered so expect even less grooming next year unless people start registering their sleds now.
Now....if you want to be a part of the solution ask all your riding friends and even if they are not your friend "Have you registered your sled yet?". If you have more than one sled did you register all of them? I also urge you to attend a grooming meeting and you are in luck because the next one for Greenwater will be @ Clem's Enumclaw Powersports on March 3rd @ 7 PM.
Now for a little rant of my own....
If all you do is go riding and then get home to post your pictures and video and get on a forum somewhere and complain about how bad the trails were...well quit yer bitchin'!!
I know sitting behind a keyboard is way easier to do than to actually go out and try to effect a change. But if you are not involved than I honestly believe you have no right to complain!!
(rant off)
See YOU at the next grooming meeting!!
Ask for snowrider I will be there... WILL YOU??