Ok, i work off statistics, and numbers...
according to 2012, WA has 31,000 registered sleds. Sled registration is $38; so "funds" = $1,178,000...in lamens terms (not taking into consideration the whole gas tax deal).
from what i hear, grooming is roughly 10 weeks with current funding...cant really push it to the 14 like in years past.
10wks/$1,178,000 = $117,800/wk. So, for 14 weeks funding would need to be around $1,649,200. now, consider how many sleds would need to be registered to generate that much funding... $1,649,200/$38 = 43,400 sleds (roughly). Delta 43,400-31,000 = 12,400 NEW sleds.
Since i dont see more sleds being registered with the current economic situation, lets try increasing the registration fee...
if you raise sled registration from 38 to 45, (assuming 31,000 registered sleds) your funding would roughly be $1,395,000...which is about $254,200 short. therefore, sled registration would need to be around $54/sled/yr ($54x31,000 = $1,674,000).
Now, since i like working in round numbers, make the registration $60/yr per sled and your set...NOW throw in the gas tax, which is like a christmas bonus...and your golden.
How come a guy who works works with 2x4's and a drill for a living can figure this out, but lawmakers in oly cant?