The canadian thing wont work in washington, period , way to many snoparks. In Oregon Some clubs do own the groomers and have club members run them. Wont work here, What club could even remotely spend 200, to 280,000 for a groomer, none that I know of, Oregon only has 16,000 sleds registered and way less snoparks than we do. Our Winter Motorized Snowmobile program has no money to purchase groomers any more, In the old days when our reg #'s were up to 36,000 and higher we had a lot more money in our DEDICATED FUNDS. Now were down in the 27,000 to 28,000 range, WAY OFF. We all know everything cost more now a days than it did 10 years ago. We have not had a snowmobile registration increase in YEARS, so our $ 30 a year tab is definately one of the best bangs for the buck in any kind of motorized fee. WSSa is only looking at a fee increase the first year of just $10 measly bucks, and than MAYBE $ 10 bucks the next year. No this is not going to get us way back to where we were, but it's a good start. We've been gettng our snopark permits for free, for ever, We need to start paying for them, One permit for your rig, not one for every sled. I'm sure we could all afford an extra $40 for a snopark permit. (Once a year ) This is what the NON-MOTORIZED people pay. It works for them, They had some bitches and complaints but they were short lived after they figured out how much money the snopark permits and their other permits cost them. Way more than ours. ALL OUR REG MONEY GOES INTO OUR DEDICATED MOTORIZED FUNDS. I really want to stress that as I keep hearing all this crap about our money going somewhere else. IT DOESNT., It's ours to run our program. I've said this at least a zillion times on here and BCR, We've gotten away way to cheep for YEARS ! If we want to stay in the game and even get half way decent trails ( which lead to the good stuff ) we must pay A LITTLE MORE.. Support WSSA with their endevors to increase fee's., It's way over do. I know I'm probably forgetting something to add but if you have any questions, let me know. We get a pretty reasonable bang for our buck once you get the equipment, gear truck and trailer !!. Thanks Dan
ALSO, yes clubs or individuals can donate money to a specific grooming program thru wssa or state parks, all that money will go to grooming, NOT THE BLACK HOLE. If you donate thru WSSA, WSSA will match the amount up to $25,000, so if we all throw in 25,000 and wssa puts in 25,000 there 50 grand twards more grooming,
ALSO our normal grooming program runs for 16 weeks aprox. Dec thru the end of March, If we dont start till mid december most areas can run a normal 14 week period and still get 2 to 4 days of grooming per week, depending on the area. The grooming councils and the operators need to work together very closey to run thru March, It can be done. I knoiw some of the operators want to run a normal schedule and burn thru the money and quit in feb, but I think this will just piss people off who dont know all the whys and hows ect. just my 2 cents worth folks !~