didn't they just find another tunnel??? Walls work if there is four of them linked together like so many you have said using references like my corrals or the old stand by prisons. However they still not 100% foul proof. Just look at the prison records of breaks outs for those facts. Lets put a wall on one side of a said prison or corral and see how effective it is. And all the references of the great wall of china and border wall in other countries. Those counties in the news lately have borders no where near the size of our southern border nor is the terrain anything close.
You have seen pictures of the great wall of china right? The huge stone wall winding through the hills and mountains... prison break outs??? That is your example? Really reaching now aren't we.
Nobody, including Trump claimed a wall would be 100% effective but Obama told us he would have us all 100% covered by cheap health insurance...
Fact the 5 billion wont even cover the areas that we have fenced off now so its a pipe dream to say 5 billion will build a wall the length of our boarder. sceens/ fences work because you can see through them and can see what people are doing on the other side.
Again, since when did the cost of anything taxpayer related ever offend a liberal? How much have we spent on planned parenthood to kill babies? That's OK though right? and just one of a thousand example of money wasted by the govt with no positive outcome for society.
31 ft ladder will work just fine if they use it to climb a 30 ft wall. How will the wall prevent the drugs coming through the ports of entry where most of the drugs enter this country anyway or prevent people from over staying their visas? Its just a very stupid campaign cry from a reality TV personality trying to act like a dictator.
Again, nobody claimed it would stop everything. It is meant to be a massive deterrent. Probably the best we can do since you panty waist libs wont just let us have open season on the border. It would be a bit messy but it would be effective.
The latest attempt at shifting blame to the other party by passing a stupid bill offering temporary stay to an immigration policy that can be quickly be reverted back is just another brilliant attempt to make a deal for the worlds worst deal maker. Thank you to Ann Culter and Rush for this government shutdown since they are the ones who told Trump he is a idiot for signing the bill that both republicans and democrats passed to keep the government open that only had 1.5 billion for border improvements. Trump going on National TV saying he will own this shutdown will go down in history as one of the stupidest, in a VERY long list of stupid moves, this President has made. The real scary things is he is more then likely to get re elected in 2020 unless he goes down in flames when a certain report is made public if it ever sees the light of day. Since the confirmation of a trump team player is in the works that could put a lock down on that if it goes through.
That's funny... this is a Schumer/Pelosi shutdown. It should be landing squarely on their shoulders. Obstructionism at its best and you are fool enough to think open borders are a good idea? They clearly support open borders regardless of the consequences.
Fact is, there is a huge border enforcement problem, whether you want to admit it or not, it is real, it exists. This is meant to be a step towards securing this country from a continuing onslaught of illegal immigration that is costing this country FAR more than the wall ever will.
I pray to God that Trump is elected for another term. It is SO NICE to have a growing economy where more and more people are able to make decent wages and advance the American dream. Do you really want to go back to a stagnant Obama style economy? More and more regulations, tens of thousands of new regulations to make your life "better" in fact. Is that really what you want from the federal govt? I don't. I'd be thrilled to have the orange haired monster continue reeking havoc on the badly broken system. Another 20 years on this path an maybe this country might return to a state of sanity again and leave the entitlements behind. A land where you can make a living without needing a hand out form the govt, what a joy that would be...