I'll share my personal opinion (which makes absolutely zero reference/nexus to my employer/position):
Walls work. Anyone who says otherwise needs to research Yuma prior to 2008, El Paso, RGV, San Diego, etc.
The argument "30' wall, i'll just bring a 31' ladder!" is bogus. Why? Because the wall/fence/barrier gives Border Patrol Agents adequate response time to effect an arrest. Currently in San Diego they are replacing the old "landing mat" primary fence with 20' steel pillar fencing. It works great because each pillar is filled with concrete so by the time someone in Mexico hauls their cutting wheel or torch to the fence, agents are already responding.
There is a 20' high steel primary fence, and about 50 yards north, a steel mesh secondary fence, lined with concertina wire. It's VERY rare for aliens to attempt to climb both fences. 99% of the time, aliens use the spillways/drainage pipes to make their illegal entries. So, because of the fencing, instead of agents covering 52,800 feet of US/MEX border (aka 10 miles of border), they only have to cover a few hundred feet (where the spillways/drainage tubes are). This makes for very high apprehension rates.
In my 100% personal opinion, here's how you fix the illegal immigration problem:
- 100% Operational control of the US/Mex Border
- Investigate/punish US employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens (there are thousands of H2A/H1B Visa holders to choose from!)
- Allow Border Patrol Agents to adjudicate credible fear (asylum) clams (this is a huge thing, as every alien legal or illegal has the right to do, and it's being incredibly abused)
- Prosecute every subject who illegally crosses the border (this is already being done, but the USAOs are extremely backed up)
- Lower the extremely high prosecutorial thresholds for smuggling organizations
- Deny advanced medical treatment for illegal aliens apprehended at/near border unless they have the ability to pay (I'm not saying deny basic first aid/life saving treatment... but it's aggravating how many foreign nationals enter the US illegally with pre-existing conditions, only to be apprehended by US Border Patrol, and thus given advanced medical treatment for their conditions, courtesy of the US taxpayer.
- Deduct from foreign country's foreign aid for each one of that country's citizens apprehended illegally entering the US.
I could go on and on...but this should be good to start.
Oh, and for those who disagree with me, you're entitled to your own opinion, however, I'm missing a month of prime snowmobiling because I was sent down to the US/Mex border by my employer.