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FRIKKIN HOMO"S at it again!


Disco Dan Richter

Well-known member
Nov 27, 2007
Me no snow ta
The state of California vote no on prop 8, and now it is back in the courts. Dont know why, is a vote not the highest authority?

Lawyers and homo's, two un natural species that should be eliminated.

Now, the Homo's are getting yet another dating site for their un natural disease riddin filthy lifestyle. One gay man sued e-harmony for discrimiation. YES, DISCRIMINATION! Because they did not serve the queer's sick lifestyle. He sued, and because the e-harmony elite had no backbone and did not want to stick it out, which they would have won, because of that we have another gay dating site.

What the heck is gonna happen to us? We are going to He11 in a hand basket and no one can do anything because of the frikkin screwed up legal system. Obama a saviour? A messiah? Maybe he can do something about all this...............oh wait, he likes gays, so much for that.

QUite honestly, I dont care if a man wants to stick his schwanz in another mans butthole, just keep it private, I have kids for christs sake. I am so sick of this crap I tell ya.

rant over


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
wait.... are you a homophobe? I can't tell........
The state of California vote no on prop 8, and now it is back in the courts. Dont know why, is a vote not the highest authority?

Lawyers and homo's, two un natural species that should be eliminated.

Now, the Homo's are getting yet another dating site for their un natural disease riddin filthy lifestyle. One gay man sued e-harmony for discrimiation. YES, DISCRIMINATION! Because they did not serve the queer's sick lifestyle. He sued, and because the e-harmony elite had no backbone and did not want to stick it out, which they would have won, because of that we have another gay dating site.

What the heck is gonna happen to us? We are going to He11 in a hand basket and no one can do anything because of the frikkin screwed up legal system. Obama a saviour? A messiah? Maybe he can do something about all this...............oh wait, he likes gays, so much for that.

QUite honestly, I dont care if a man wants to stick his schwanz in another mans butthole, just keep it private, I have kids for christs sake. I am so sick of this crap I tell ya.

rant over


I aint even gona get started.

Just Wrong Wrong Wrong

And nothin about being a Homophob, Its Just WRONG. any anyone who thinks otherwise needs a slap
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
I know a couple of guys that voted for Obama, every time anyone says something to them about Obama or McCain, all they can do is start cursing Bush and Cheney. It's pretty funny to watch normally intelligent people start twitching and cursing. Programming of the weak minded.

I believe Obama won. They spent nearly a billion dollars, had almost every single news organization on their side. Heck, even the comedians won't touch a Obama joke. The Dems bought the White House.

Not to mention the Obama Drones, college campuses were full of kids getting the vote out. You have to admire the campaign ran by the Dems, it was a borderline religious calling. Now the Republicans need to get their base that motivated.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 4, 2005
Colorado Springs
Just cause they TELL you he won by a majority, bo you belive that? I haven't seen or heard of ONE person who supports him yet. Where are all the supporters?

I've seen way too many Obama sickers on cars around here, and this town is supposed to be very republican.

As far as the gays, it's their life, let them live it.

Why do people try to force their beliefs on everybody else? I'm talking about everybody, Christians, Muslims, gays, greenies, you name it. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 2, 2007
Kelso WA
Homophobe? That's funny. Because we're disgusted by something doesn't mean we fear it. what's next ruffy- a "pedophiles are people too" bumper sticker next to the rainbow?

As for the election- never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. The candidate for "Change" is bringing back all the old whores that f'ed us over 8 years ago


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Reno, NV
It can all be summed up like this, The small percenters matter more then the majority. Everyone needs to be happy, despite what the majority thinks. A perfect example was the 700 billion bailout. Biggest crock ever


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2003
Evanston, WY
wait.... are you a homophobe? I can't tell........

Homophobe? People have accused me of that but being scared of em has nothing to do with it. They are flat out disgusting, filthy, vermin that are pushing thier psychotic lifestyle on the inocent of America. I am not a "Homophobe", I just ***gin HATE them! Sure would be nice to sit down with the family to watch a show on TV and not have to see a FAG!


Nov 19, 2005
North of 60 ...Deep Deep in the bush ......
Homophobe? People have accused me of that but being scared of em has nothing to do with it. They are flat out disgusting, filthy, vermin that are pushing thier psychotic lifestyle on the inocent of America. I am not a "Homophobe", I just ***gin HATE them! Sure would be nice to sit down with the family to watch a show on TV and not have to see a FAG!

that a boy git r done

oh and here here :beer;:beer;:beer;:beer;


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
North Utah
Remember the good old days when they were still in the closet!!!!!

Those were the days.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
yeah, its at the end of ruffys shlong..

sorry, had to do it.. its a joke.. im kidding.. :D :D :D :D

That is so fricken nasty........., You can put as many smilies as you want at the end of it...it doesn't change it one bit! Good one none the less... As they say, the door was open, I just pushed you through it and down the stairs...lol...
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
You guys need to brush up on your definition of homophobe....

It seems it is a person who fears or HATES gay peoples....


Urban dictionary.....

Websters dictionary...

BTW..I have no issue with someone that wants to love...... Consenting adults should let their hearts do what it feels is right. How can that be wrong?

I find it funny how standing up for the rights of gays, makes me gay... Kind of like standing up for the rights of pot smokers makes me a pot smoker....
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