just slide it over the ski like a loop it will come up to the spindle when the sled it movin forward it will be looped and angles back around and under the bottom of the ski with the top holdin against the spindle and the bottom help rearward under the ski acting like a scoop in a scence causing alot of drag and holdback of snow against the belt under the ski and that hold back will feel like you are constantly on the brakes just from the front, put one on both skis and you can creep down steep hills
kinda confusing to explain, Make one put in on you sled or store it somewhere and just try it out even on the trail a time or two and you`ll be amazed.
if you have an old dried out not rideable belt layin around things to put over the ski or skis anything that will go around it and cause drag under the ski should work. And free mod!!! cut , drill hole bolt and nut don`t even need the clip put it in a tunnel bag or under the hood somewhere. personally the belt idea would cause more braking effort or drag...
I have even seen this idea,this one is obviously adjust able to any size you could use high strength plastic chain also, I saved this pic to my pc but I would rather have the belt won`t scratch up the spindle or skis.