The reason you would want to lower ride height is to achieve the proper sag (on a mtn machine) on a snow cross or high performance trail sled there would be many more reasons to lower the ride height.
And yes you can increase sag on the sled and just boost the pressure in the EVOL chamber. What your left with is a sled that feels like it is riding on marshmallows until it bottoms out hard. As soon a you soften the spring rate enough, the rate of compression quickly exceeds the EVOL chambers ability to control the shock.
I will agree that you could lower the air pressure enough that pumping the Evol chamber up to max would not compensate for the low main chamber pressure but it is a non meaningful fact. There is nobody in this world that would need their pressure that low, and if they thought they did they would be off the deep end with what they consider proper shock set-up. I run my shocks with lower main pressure than anyone I know (I weigh 135lbs), and it's not even close to feeling "like riding on marshmallows".